Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2 Months old

Kinsley does not enjoy the flash.

Kinsley is growing so fast! She had her 2 month appointment yesterday (8/20) she weighed 10lbs 2oz and was 24 inches long. She is still a long and skinny little thing. She is in the 96th percentile for length, Chris was proud of her! Kinsley had to get three shots yesterday. I’m sure the nurses thought I was the meanest mom ever. I was holding Kinsley’s arms and talking to her when they stuck the needles in each leg. Her eyes got so big before she let out a huge scream. I found it funny and might have laughed a little. I felt bad for her later in the day, you could tell her legs were really hurting. We gave her a little Tylenol and she slept the rest of the afternoon.

Poor girl


Over the last month Kinsley has started “talking” and smiling a lot more. You wonder what babies are thinking! She loves to stare at fans and play with her friends on the play mat. She sleeps about 8 hours a night as long as she is swaddled. Chris and I enjoy our sleep so this works out well for us!  She has outgrown a couple of her newborn outfits and has only 3 newborn diapers left. I guess this means I don’t have a newborn anymore L.  On the cooler mornings Kinsley and I go for a walk on the Shunga trail. One day we even walked to see Chris at the shop. She is pretty content most of the time. District assembly (for the church) was the first part of August. I had to be there for three days so we stayed in a hotel for two nights. Kinsley slept in her Pack n’ Play and did just fine. Both nights she woke up turned completely the opposite direction. She is a wild sleeper already!  
Chris’s brother and Grandma are coming this weekend. Kinsley is so excited to meet them. The plan is to have family pictures on Sunday, I hope Kinsley cooperates!

2 months postpartum
Inspiration picture. Same shirt.
Seriously disappointed that this weight isn’t falling off like I had hoped. I am down 24 pounds and have about that much to go. I know it has only been 2 months but my weight seems to have plateaued the last couple of weeks. I have started watching what I eat a little more and trying to exercise every day.  This past week I noticed my knees and wrists were really sore. I’m not sure if it’s from exercising or hormones or nursing or what. I am going to get some new shoes and see if that will help. Chris has the insanity DVDs so I might try those out. I might die trying to get through it!
I go back to work September 17, so the next monthly blog might be a little sad. Or maybe I will just quit my job! HAHA.

I decided to add a little section like I had when I was pregnant. Some of this info will be duplicated from above but it will be easier to read and compare to the following months.

Age: 2 months
Weight/percentile: 10lbs 2oz/ 34th percentile
Height/percentile: 24in/ 96th percentile
Eye color: dark grayish blue
Hair color: brown. She still has a mullet; long in the back, not too much on top
Diaper size: newborn
Clothing size: mostly newborn (especially pants), some 0-3 month. This is the outfit she wore home from the hospital, it still fits it's just short in the arms and legs.

Favorite food: milk! :)
Favorite activity: Staring at fans and the tv, smiling
Movement: kicks feet a lot, turns around in bed, hates tummy time.
Sounds/talking: mimics mouth movements, makes gurgling sound when "talking"