Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 Months old

I really need to move that head rest up!

I forgot the headband!
Another month flew by. It was packed full of all kinds of emotion. Chris's brother and sister-in-law visited from Tenessee and his grandma visited also. Kinsley was a good girl all weekend and cooperated for the family photos. Kinsley sleeps so well! She sleeps 10-12 hours a night. We are so lucky! I'd like to think it is my awesome parenting skills, but I really think it is just luck. It makes me scared to have another one.

It's crazy how much she has changed in 3 months. She is way cuter now!

Chris raced a formula one car at heartland park one weekend. It was a hot mess, but Kinsley did really good. She loves to be outside!
"Go Daddy!"

She's not drugged, she just woke up. (9/8)
I headed back to work on 9/17, I was really dreading it. My grandma must have known I wasn't ready to go back to work. She passed away that night so I took the rest of the week off. I am sad to see her go but so happy that she isn't suffering anymore. It was great to see my extended family and spend some time with my immediate family.
Shaaaarp! (9/22)
Age: 3 months
Weight/percentile: 11 lbs 2 oz (I weighed her myself so there is no percentile)
Height/percentile: 24.5 inches  Not much change.
Eye color: Blue. Sometimes they have a green tint.
Hair color: Her "soul patch" as people call it, is dark brown and the top is lighter brown. She has a few (as in 2 or 3) really long random hairs and one little hair that is curly
Diaper size: Size 1
Clothing size: Newborn pants fit but are too short. 0-3 and 3 month tops. I (my mom) made the leggings in the pic above. If anyone finds leggings for newborns let me know!
Favorite food: milk! I have been trying to make it chocolate for her by eating a lot of it.
Favorite activity: Taking walks, watching anything that moves (TV, Iphone, fireworks)
Movement: Standing (not on her own, of course) and holding head up so well. Still hates tummy time, she may never crawl.
Sounds/talking: Talking so much and getting louder. This may be a problem in the future. She laughed on Thursday (9/20)! My dad and Chad were playing with the dogs in the back yard and she must have thought it was funny. It was a great sound!

I made it through 2 weeks of insanity. It took me 3 weeks to do it but I made it through! I really hate it, but I definitely saw results. I am down another 5 pounds (29 total down, at least 17 to go) which isn't terrible but definitely still not "falling off". I read something that said when breastfeeding you lose the most weight 3-6 months postpartum. Bring it on! This last week wasn't a good week to try to stick to any kind of diet or exercise routine. Now I just have to get back into it. I bought some new shoes that will hopefully help my knees when I'm running. I did buy a pair of jeans that are the next size down. woohoo!