Friday, February 22, 2013

8 Months old

"I'm so excited to be 8 months old!"

Wink Wink

On Kinsley's 8 month birthday we had a major snow storm! Pretty much everything in the city was closed. Unfortunately, nurses don't get snow days so I had to work that evening. We squeezed in a little time to play in the snow and help (watch) Daddy snow blow the neighbors' driveways. Kinsley didn't seem to care about the snow either way. Maybe next year we can go sledding!
Fun with Daddy!

Yes, she has socks on her hands!
 How else do you keep baby hands warm?

This has been such a fun month! Kinsley is really getting a personality. It seems like she has a new trick everyday! She still loves to laugh but now she also clicks her tongue, gives raspberries and smacks her lips. The other day she woke up from her nap and I took her binky (Wubbanub- If you don't have one of these you. need. one! By the way, that is the first time I have linked anything. Hope it works! Back to the story...) So, I took her binky and set it by her. She rolled over, grabbed it and stuck it in her mouth. Then she looked at me and smiled really big like "I got it!" I took it again, set it pretty far away and said something like " 'gasp' Kinsley! You don't need that!". That girl 'crawled' over, grabbed the bink, stuck it in her mouth, looked and me and busted up laughing! It is so funny to see how she responds to my reactions. Kinsley has also been working on her drama queen attitude, and seems to get her feelings hurt easily. Sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's annoying. It makes me a little nervous for the years to come.

Aww, so sad. Such a DQ
Kinsley has been working on crawling over the last month. She is becoming an expert army crawler! This video was taken on 2/13. She has gotten even better and faster at it the past week.
Kinsley working on crawling.

I had so much fun picking out little Valentine's day presents for Kinsley! I am sure she didn't even notice but it was still fun.
The name of the book is "I Love You Stinky Face". Love it!


We finally got Kinsley's "sitting" pics back. I originally told Chris I probably wouldn't buy very many. Well...the pictures came...and I couldn't I bought the whole disc... Enjoy!

Age: 8 months
Weight/percentile: 17lbs 8oz/34th percentile
Head circumference:
Eye color: Blue with a hint of green
Hair color: Light brown/blonde. It hasn't gotten too much thicker. Maybe a little longer.
Teeth: She may be a one year old with no teeth...
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: Mostly 6 month. I had to bump her up to 9-12 month leggings, mostly for the length.
Favorite food: She loves peas and carrots. She's had avocado, applesauce (first fruit) red pepper, and white potato.  Here is a short clip of Kinsley eating applesauce and red pepper mixed:

Favorite activity: Jumping, army crawling, playing "peek-a-boo", playing with things that aren't toys (shoes, Kleenex box, remotes, air vents)
Movement: She can move pretty fast. She is getting better at army crawling. It won't be long before she is full on crawling!
Sounds/talking: Sometimes it sounds like she says "okay" and other things in response to us. She is making sounds like baba, dada, gaga, "t", and "th". Still no mama but we are working on it! :)

Whenever I get back to the gym and get ripped I will show my progress! I wouldn't count on one anytime soon. :)