Saturday, May 25, 2013

11 Months old

11 Months
 These pictures are getting harder and harder to take. She doesn't want to sit still and smile for a camera anymore.
I am so sad that this is her last "month" picture. Next month she will be one year old! Ugh! It is so hard to believe how fast this year has gone.
Kinsley has become such a big girl over the last month. She crawls everywhere, stands up on everything, and is walking with her little toy walker. Kinsley eats everything and always wants whatever we are eating. Girl gets so excited when she sees a straw! I have tried really hard not to let her have anything sweet or fried. I will let her have cake on her birthday but I really want to hold off on the fried stuff for as long as possible.
Kinsley has gone back to sleeping through the night. Once in a while she will still wake up but if we let her cry for a few minutes she usually puts herself back to sleep. Thank goodness!
Working part time has been amazing! It has given me more time to do things like go to the Zoo, take walks and go to the library. Kinsley doesn't care too much about the animals at the Zoo but loves to be out and about with other kids. I think Kinsley is happy that I'm working part time too. :)
I just realized she had animal print on to go to the Zoo. How cool is she!?

Watch out world, crazy driver on the loose!
Chris, Kinsley and I went to a Royals game a few weeks ago. It was quite chilly but we stayed warm and the Royals won! Kinsley loves watching Chris play softball and really enjoyed the Royals game. She has the clapping and cheering part down!

We had awesome seats! 6 rows behind the Royals dugout
I had my first official Mother's Day. Even though I had to work it was a nice day just hanging out with the family. Kinsley even got me a present:
Love it!

Happy Mother's Day!
Silly faces:


And the best part of the month...I'm an Aunt and Kinsley is a cousin! Baby Audrey (X"ticia) was born on 5/22 and 1:36 a.m. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 inches long.

 Kinsley, my mom and I will leave Sunday to go see her. Kinsley is so excited to meet her cousin.

Age: 11 months
Weight/percentile: 18lbs 8oz
Height/percentile: 28.5 inches
Head circumference: Probably small
Eye color: Still blue
Hair color: Light brown. I might trim it just a little right around her birthday
Teeth: Nothing
Diaper size: Size 3 :( Switched her over on 5/16
Clothing size: Still 9 month clothes. Size 2 shoes
Favorite food: Kinsley is liking fruit and meats more. She loves green beans and juice boxes. She had her first Popsicle last week. It was homemade so no extra sugar or anything.
Favorite activity: Playing with anything she shouldn't play with, eating paper, going for walks and being outside.
Movement: Kinsley is standing on her own for really long periods of time. She also loves walking behind her walker.
Sounds/talking: I taught her how to say "huh uh"... oops. She is telling us all kinds of things, we just don't quite understand her yet.