Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1 Month

Callie is so excited to be one month old!
Did I mention how busy life with two kids is? Callie is almost two months old now and I am just now getting around to blog about the first month of her life.  November and December are a really busy time for our family anyway (Thanksgiving, Christmas and 7 birthdays) and then add a newborn on top of that. Whew.
This month has been a major adjustment for everyone. We are starting to get into a routine which helps. We spent the first week trying to get her back to birth weight. Feeding every two hours, even through the night, is exhausting!
Callie got to meet a lot of family and friends this first month and enjoyed thanksgiving dinner (ok, I enjoyed it for her!).
Audrey thought Callie was a baby doll

Meeting Great Grandma Ireland on Thanksgiving

Meeting Great Grandpa Jolley on his birthday

Meeting Santa for the first time. Kinsley was scared of him.

She had a little too much at Thanksgiving and spit up all over!

The day Callie was born her decals for her bedroom wall came in the mail. I finally got them up on the wall. Now her room is complete!

She is getting too big, too fast already! And such an expressive little girl.


Love those smiles!

Life with two kids.

This picture gives me hope for their future. Too cute

Funny story... Chris and I had a terrible time deciding on Callie's middle name. We had a long list and just could not settle on one. Right after Callie was born JanMarie jokingly tells Kinsley Callie's middle name should be Sofia after her favorite Disney character right now Sofia the First. I didn't think Kinsley even heard JanMarie's suggestion until Kinsley started telling people her baby sister's name was "Callie Sofia". The idea crossed our minds to just go with it. It actually sounded good together and it would have made for a cute story but we ultimately decided against it. Even though we told Kinsley Callie's name was "Callie Elise" she still told people it was "Callie Sofia". One morning, a day or two after we got home from the hospital, Kinsley came running into Callie's room so excited to see her sister. Callie was sitting in her swing and Kinsley looked at her and said "Callie D'lease. Dats what daddy say's." You could tell she was really thinking while she continues to look at her and says "No, Callie Sofia!" She even had a little head nod at the end like she was so certain that was her name.

When Callie was just over a week old we got her Newborn pictures done. I love them all!  Here are just a few of my favorites.

Age: 1 month
Weight/percentile: 9 lbs 2 oz 49th percentile
Height/percentile: 21.5in  68th percentile
Eye color: Blueish gray
Hair color: Lots of dark brown hair. If she were a boy I would spike it like a Mohawk.
Diaper size: Newborn
Clothing size: Newborn. Even some newborn stuff is too big. It has been a challenge getting Kinsley's newborn summer clothes to work for winter.
Favorite food: milk! YUM
Favorite activity: She really enjoys reading books with Kinsley.
Movement: Kicking legs, stretching (so cute)
Sounds/talking: So far she only cries
Sleep: She is a great sleeper. She has been sleeping 5-6 hours at night which is amazing.

Chris and I have amazing friends and family! I seriously could not have made it through this month without all of their support. Do you know I did not have to cook once this month!? How amazing is that!? So thank you to everyone that provided a meal in some way for us.