Saturday, March 28, 2015

4 Months

Such a happy girl! Always has her hands in her mouth

Another busy month has flown by. It has been especially crazy because we decided to put our house on the market. We originally planned on first of May but thought we better bump it up to first of April to catch the most people looking for houses. After talking to a realtor she said the sooner the better, things are already selling fast! So March first we listed it for sale.

Just over two weeks later we sold it!

my cute little model

It was the most hectic two weeks. Trying to keep the house clean and making sure we were out of the house (which was usually at nap time) was exhausting! So glad it's over. Now we just have to find a house. :/
The weather has been so nice lately. We are loving being outside and going to the park. Callie loves swinging and riding in the bike trailer. Aunt Jan got some pretty good giggles out of her while she was swinging.
not the best picture but look at that tongue!

Again with the hand! She looks so tiny next to Kinsley

Callie is getting so much better at her giggle. Several times we have told Kinsley to be more gentle with Callie ("Kinsley please don't jump over Callie") and Callie just starts laughing! How can you tell Kinsley to stop doing something that is making Callie laugh!?  I can tell they are going to be little trouble makers together and hopefully best friends.

One morning while I was at work I got a phone call at about 6am from Chris. I was sure he was going to tell me Callie was awake- she usually sleeps through the night and is usually still asleep when I get home. Instead he tells me she rolled over to her tummy in her sleep! She has moved all over the place but has not rolled over again. We will work on that this month and keep you posted next month.

Age: 4 months
Weight/percentile: 13 lbs/ 30th percentile
Height/percentile: 24.5 in/ 53rd percentile
Eye color: Dark blue. Less gray, more blue
Hair color: Light brown. She is getting a bald spot in the back and has a rat tail. I'm going to have to trim it up soon
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: 3 month
Shoe size: She is between the newborn size and the size 1
Favorite food: mmmm Milk!  The Dr. said we can start solids anytime... we might wait a couple months. :)
Favorite activity: Playing outside, swinging, taking walks
Movement: Callie is getting so active. She kicks and moves her arms so much. She is starting to roll over.
Sounds/talking: Callie is very "talkative". She makes little cooing sounds and gurgling sounds.
Sleep: Still sleeping good. She is a wild sleeper though, I never know how I'm going to find her in the morning.