Sunday, May 24, 2015

6 Months!

Happy half birthday!
It is getting harder and harder to take a clear picture of this squirmy girl. We have had another busy month and a month full of "firsts". We have been so busy I haven't had time to think about up-coming birthdays, laundry, cleaning, etc. much less blogging! So, it's a few weeks late this month oops. On the plus side, now I can include Callie's 6 month stats and you get to hear about our new house!

First, the house. This whole process of moving and buying an new house has taken up most of my time. We officially closed on the new house on May 20th and had to be out of our old house by May 22nd. I spent a lot of time before closing packing and preparing for projects at the new house. After closing, I have spent all my time on those projects! These poor girls are starting to feel abandoned. Soon they will have a nice big house to live in.  The move has not seemed to bother Callie much. Kinsley on the other hand is not liking the idea of someone else sleeping at her house (the old house). More on the house next time. For now, here is a sneak peek of the outside.

The new house!

In the midst of chaos we did find some time to relax, have fun, and be together as a family. We all went fishing and had a cookout one evening. It was Kinsley and Callie's first fishing trip! Kinsley actually caught the first fish. Chris even caught a couple... I had to take them off the hook for him but hey, it's a start

Looking cool in her sunglasses

Mother's Day!

Once Callie started eating cereal there was no stopping her. This girl likes to eat! She had her first bite of real food on May 7th. We started with spinach then broccoli, asparagus and green beans. 

blurry spinach face!

Callie LOVES her exersaucer!

Yum! Toes!
And now for a little side-by-side comparison

Kinsley at 6 months. Definitely sisters!

Age: 6 months
Weight/percentile: 15lbs 6oz/33%
Height/percentile: 26.3in/64%
Eye color: Dark blue with a smidge of green
Hair color: Light brown.
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: Mostly 6 months. I found a whole bunch of 3-6 month clothes in her closet while we were moving. Hopefully some of them will fit for a little bit!
Shoe size: Lately we've been going barefoot or socks. I think size one probably fit her best.
Favorite food: Out of the small variety she has tried, I'd say her favorite so far is broccoli.
Favorite activity: Playing in her new (to her) exersaucer, spending time outside.
Movement:  Callie is sitting up so well! I stay close by just in case she topples over, but she can sit up for a good 10 min at a time.
Sounds/talking: Callie has a very distinct grunt when she is getting tired and one for when Kinsley is getting too close.
Sleep: So thankful for good sleepers! Callie has been taking a really short morning nap (30 min) then a long afternoon nap (2-3 hours).

Some of my favorite 6 month pictures: