Sunday, June 21, 2015

7 Months

7 Months

I nearly forgot this girl's 7 month birthday! I think that may have been the fastest month ever! ugh, slow down little girl! Notice how well she is sitting up. It is amazing how much can change in one short month.

Although I don't like how fast Callie is growing up, I really love seeing her personality come out. I thought she was going to be my quiet, calm, no attitude child. HA! She may have more attitude that Kinsley! The other day I got out a sippy cup to see if Callie would drink from it. She was so excited when she saw it and wanted it in her mouth. I gave her a little drink of water out of it then set it on the counter. She started making a grunting noise like "Mom, I want more!" but I wanted her to grab the cup and try to drink from it. I left it on the counter and told her to pick it up. This sweet face threw a complete tantrum because I wouldn't hold the cup for her! Oh man, I am in trouble!

Most of the time Callie is very Happy. She has started giving hugs and kisses. Most of the time they are more like attacks but I still love it. She grabs my face and pulls me in tight for a nice open mouth slobber... I mean kiss.

Wow, I really have been busy! I don't have very many pictures to add. Kinsley's birthday is on Sunday (same as Father's Day this year) and we are having all of our family over so we have been working hard to finish up some projects before then. Then I am taking a week break from the house! Here's what I've got:

Driving her car. Watch out!

A sneak peek of Callie's 6 Month pictures.
6 Months
And a sneak peek of her new room

I promise to do a whole post on just the house. And I guess I need to do one for Kinsley's birthday too. Seriously time, slow down!

Age: 7 months
Weight/percentile: Not certain but she is growing!
Height/percentile: Getting longer too.
Eye color: Dark blue
Hair color: Light brown and starting to lay down in the back
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: Mostly 6 months. The other day she wore a NB skirt with a 9-12 month top, Crazy how sizes differ
Shoe size: Pretty much rockin' the bare feet!
Favorite food: We have moved on to orange food now! Callie loves sweet potatoes and puffs but only if you put the puff in her mouth. She is so lazy already!
Favorite activity: Sitting up and reading books
Movement:  I can pretty much sit Callie on the floor and walk away and she's good. She likes to reach for toys around her and usually ends up on her tummy or back.
Sounds/talking: Still grunting and pterodactyl-ing. no babbling yet.
Sleep: She has had a few restless nights since we've moved. She will wake up in the middle of the night squirming but still half asleep. Usually I can stick the wubbanub back in her mouth and she's fine.