Sunday, July 19, 2015

8 Months

8 Months!

 It has been another busy, fun, celebration-filled month! And this girl just keeps growing!

Jessica and Audrey were in town for Kinsley's birthday/ Father's day. We had fun going to the park, riding the train, going to the discovery center and playing together. My mom, sisters and I even got away for a girl's night while the guys took the little girls swimming. Callie LOVED the water! Thankfully my mom and sisters helped me finish some last minute projects and get the house in order for our first party at the new house. They party was good, but we definitely need some living room furniture.
Cousins on Father's Day!

Girl's night painting. So fun!!

Callie loves scooting herself around in the water

Kinsley's birthday and Father's day. We celebrated Kinsley's birthday a LOT more than Father's Day...poor Chris
Callie enjoyed her first Fourth of July! I worked the night before and the night of the fourth so we went to a friend's house in town for the evening. Callie loved playing with a glow stick and watching Kinsley do fireworks. She also got to take her first boat ride!

looking all cute and patriotic
On the boat!
Chris and I just got back from a 5 day vacation to the Riviera Maya in Mexico. It was an awesome time away and I already miss the beautiful weather but man did I miss those girls! Thankfully Callie didn't grow to much while we were gone. I was afraid she would start crawling or something crazy and I would miss it! She DID start driving...
She loves driving!
Miss it already

Age: 8 months
Weight/percentile: According to the scale at home she is 16.2 lbs
Height/percentile: I didn't measure. :/
Eye color: Dark blue with green in certain light
Hair color: Light brown. It is getting thicker and laying down all over! I trimmed the back up a little to get it off her neck again.
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: I'm in denial so I usually make her wear 6 month clothes. 6-9 month fit pretty perfect.
Shoe size: Bare feet! this girl will not keep sandals on.
Favorite food: Callie has made a lot of progress in the food department. She eats pretty much any fruit, veggie or bread as long as it's pureed or really small pieces. She loves it all!
Favorite activity: Playing peak-a-boo, watching Kinsley run, chewing on things
Movement:  Callie has started scooting backward on her tummy. She loves to clap when Kinsley is singing!
Sounds/talking: Still just cooing. Also  blowing raspberries.
Sleep: Callie must be going through a growth spurt because she has been waking up several times a week to eat.

She thinks she can feed herself now