Monday, August 24, 2015

9 months

I learned my lesson...don't wait until bedtime to take a picture!

Much better!

I feel like Callie has grown so much this past month. We have hit some major milestones like crawling and eating everything (and I do mean everything). We have also had some fun this month with a trip to Colorado, a trip to Kansas City, and a few mornings with just Mommy while Kinsley was at preschool.

It worked out that my mom and JanMarie were both off for a few days before school started so we took an impromptu trip to Colorado! Why not? The girls were awesome on the drive. There was a little fussing and not much sleeping but really it could have been worse. We saw the Minion movie one day, went swimming one day and spent some time at the park. The weather was great and we had a good time as always.

Driving Daddy's truck!

At the park with Audge

Climbing at the park
So much cousin love right there!
Duck lips with Audge

I promised Kinsley I would take her to "the train restaurant" (Fritz's) again before school started. The Tuesday before school started we took a trip to KC to Crown Center. We went to the aquarium, checked out the Hallmark visitors center and crayola store and of course ate at Fritz's. The girls both loved the aquarium and walking around Crown Center.

I love the bright colored seahorses! 
The jellyfish were so cool to watch

Terribly blurry picture...the sign is cute!
Evening bike ride after our day in KC
Please notice Callie's whale romper and Kinsley's ocean shirt.
Perfect for the aquarium!

Kinsley started school on Thursday 8/13. Callie is loving the few hours of Mommy time every morning. It seems like she even talks more when Kinsley isn't around. Imagine that. It really has been nice to have some one on one time with her. I just have to remember to use that time to play with her and do fun stuff with her rather than just running errands or cleaning the house.

She got to take a bath all by herself!

Sitting shotgun in the cart

Trying to stab the strawberry with the fork

One day Callie decided she was going to crawl....she hasn't slowed down since. I remember when Kinsley started crawling she did the "army crawl" for a while then progressed to full on crawling. Not Callie, she just went for it. My days of sitting her in a room to play are over.

this video quality is terrible!

Age: 9 months
Weight/percentile: Callie has a Dr. appointment next week. I will update then
Eye color: Still dark blue with green in certain light
Hair color: Light brown. It seems like it's getting lighter
Diaper size: Size 2.
Clothing size: I pulled out some of Kinsley's old summer clothes which are 12 month and they fit pretty good. :(  She is getting too big!
Shoe size: Yeah, no shoes
Favorite food: Like I mentioned above, Callie is eating everything! I am amazed at the progress we have made in this area again. She eats pretty much any fruit or vegetable. Some is pureed, some is just cut up. She is getting good at picking up pieces of food and feeding herself. We are still working on using a sippy cup. As far as everything else goes, Callie loves to put everything in her mouth and then screams when I take it out. Sorry sweet girl, you can't pull wallpaper off the wall and eat it!
Favorite activity: Playing with the toy picnic set, attacking Kinsley especially right before bed.
Movement:  Callie is crawling! She has been working on it for several weeks but she finally got brave enough to move her legs on 8/11 and has taken off. There is no stopping her now! She is trying to pull on things too! Ok Callie, seriously, one thing at a time!
Sounds/talking: We have babbling! The other day I asked Kinsley how her day was and Callie had to chime in and tell me about her day too.
Sleep: Callie has been sleeping pretty good. She still gets up in the middle of the night once in a while. She usually sleeps from about 830pm until 830am.