Saturday, July 2, 2011

8 Weeks

If you can't tell, that is a white undershirt!
This last week our immediate family received the news that they are going to be grandparents, aunts, uncles and great grandparents.  They were all excited in their own way. JanMarie thought it was a thank you note from Titus (she watched him while we were on vacation) haha. She figured it out pretty quickly and started screaming. Chris and I thought we were being sneaky sending out the invitations and taking our parents to dinner but they all said they had a feeling something was going on.  Oh well, we tried.
From the
Baby's now the size of a raspberry!
Baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs, and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy.
A little something I stole (thanks Ashley!)
How far along: 8 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: trying no to keep track. Probably the same
Maternity clothes?: No, but sometimes I can't button my pants when I leave work in the morning.
Strech marks?: nope
Sleep: Often! I'm exhausted all the time!
Best moment this week: Telling our family!
Movement: nope
Food cravings: Carbs (PBJ, cereal, pancakes, etc), anything that doesn't make me nauseous
Gender: I have no idea, just hoping there is only one
What I miss: having energy and unlimited coffee
Milestones: none yet
Our first appointment is in a week and a half.  I am so excited and hoping we get a quick ultrasound just to see the heartbeat and make sure there is only one in there!

1 comment:

  1. Look how skinny and cute you are!!! You are going to make an adorable pregnant lady and mom! Love the blog too!
