Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kinsley Michele

Kinsley,  5 Seconds old
Born on 6/21 at 7:04 pm
7 lbs 3 oz, 20 3/4 inches
That's not the best picture, but I love that Chris caught my first look at her.
So a lot has happened since my last post! I am warning you now, this is going to be long with all the details!
First of all, it was a bad idea to try to get things done around the house last Wednesday after my appointment. I should have taken a nap! Here's the story:
No, I did not go to the hospital at 7 pm Thursday night for an induction and have her 4 minutes later. That would have been awesome though. The contractions continued all day Wednesday. They were pretty regular and pretty frequent. They were getting hard enough that some of them I had to stop what I was doing.  By the way, contractions did not feel like I thought they would. They burned! I felt most of the pain and burning in my legs, hips and low back. Chris had a softball game that night at 9:15, I wasn't sure how I was going to sit through it without letting anyone else know I was having them. Our last meal as just a married couple was Mac and Cheese and chicken nuggets, how sad is that.
We got home from the game around 10:30 and I was starting to have to breathe through some of the contractions. I could still talk through them but it felt better to breathe through them. Chris headed to bed around midnight. I told him I was going to take a bath to see if the contractions would go away and I would wake him up if I needed anything. I decided to call work to see what was going on and who would be there that night and Thursday to take care of me. They told me there were 3 other inductions scheduled for Thursday night plus 2 Friday morning and 2 c-sections Friday morning. That meant they would have 8 babies on Friday! That is a ton for us! I'd say 4 is pretty average. I was not excited about the news and was hoping more than ever that things would get going so I could deliver before everyone else!
The bath helped a little... until I got out. The pain was intense, the contractions were harder and stronger. I contracted all night with no sleep. Just as soon as I'd think I'd wake Chris up to go to the hospital, the contractions would space out a bit. Finally at 5 am I woke Chris up. His first question was "are they hard enough that you can't walk or talk through them?"  He knows too much! I told him I hadn't slept all night, let's go!
I called the girls at work at let them know we were on our way. We got there around 5:45, just in time to see the night shift girls.
In the parking garage at 5 am looking a little tired!
last bump pic 40 weeks, 3 days

I got changed and checked in and was hoping the pain I had felt all night actually did something to my cervix.  Tammy (one of the night shift nurses) checked me and said I was still 1cm dilated but maybe only 1cm thick and her head was still low. I was disappointed and hoping they wouldn't send me home, especially since I was supposed to be induced that night along with 3 other people. Brianne (one of the day shift nurses) called and talked to Kim. She said to watch me for two hours and recheck my cervix. Ugh. I really just wanted her to get things going. Chris and I walked the halls for a while, then Brianne suggested the whirlpool tub. I was willing to do anything to get my cervix to change so that I could stay. Chris went ran home to take care of Titus while I was in the tub. I stayed in the tub for about 20 min. The contractions were strong and one right after another. After a good two hours Brianne checked me again and said I was a 1+ and maybe a little thinner. Kim was satisfied with that and said I could stay! Woohoo! 2 hours later Brianne checked me again and I had made basically no change so we started pitocin.  The contractions were getting harder and closer together. I spent a lot of time on the birthing ball with Chris putting pressure and rubbing on my back. He did such a great job and didn't complain once. Eventually I tried some fentanyl to take the edge off of the pain. It helped a little and I was able to really relax between contractions. After the fentanyl wore off I was ready for the epidural but knew Kim had said I needed to wait until I was 3-4 cm dilated first. Brianne told her how much pain I was in with the pitocin and suggested that the epidural may help me relax enough to change my cervix. They decided that as long as I made some change I could have an epidural. Brianne checked me again and said I was almost a 2 and almost completely thinned out. She was definitely taking care of me!
About 1pm they came in to place the epidural. For some reason I started to get really nervous. Chris was standing in front of me with a hoodie on and I was squeezing his hands like crazy before we even got anything started. I think maybe it hit me at that time that I was going to have a baby that day, one way or another I was finally going to meet this little girl. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding my nerves but I guess Chris could tell. Half way through he said "I need to take this hoodie off". I knew what that meant and told him he needed to sit down. The whole time I am hunched over and can't see him. When they finished the epidural I looked up and Chris is still white as a ghost. I made Brianne get him his powerade and some peanut butter crackers. He didn't like that I was making a big deal out of it but I did't care, he looked terrible! The epidural started working pretty quickly. Chris went and got some lunch and I took a much needed nap!
Around 3:30pm Brianne checked me again and said I was a good 2 and still not quite all the way thinned out. Basically, no change. So frustrating! All of this pain and contractions and pitocin and nothing to show for it! Working on that unit I knew if I didn't start making change soon I would end up in the corner room (c-section). Chris and I called our parents and told them we were going to take a nap and they could come up around 6 to see us because it looked like it was going to be a long night.
At 5pm Kim came in and said she wanted to break my water and put in an internal monitor to measure contractions to make sure the 18 of pitocin I was on was doing something. She said I was 4cm dilated and almost 100% effaced (thin). Sigh of relief! Things were looking better! Almost immediately I started feeling pressure with each contraction and began to shake uncontrollably. Again, working on this unit I knew I was progressing (at least I hoped) pretty fast. I asked Brianne to check me again before she got off at 6, especially since our parent were supposed to be there at that time too. At 5:45 I was 8cm dilated, 100% effaced and her head was getting really low. I told Brianne she needed to call Kim and get her here right away because this girl was coming fast! Chris called our parents and told them to come to the hospital now but things were happening quickly so they would need to wait in the waiting room. They show up around 6 and of course wanted to check on me and make sure everything was ok. By this time I was feeling almost constant pressure and shaking so bad I did not want anyone in the room and definitely wasn't feeling like talking to anyone. Chris talked to them in the hall for a minute or two so they knew I was ok.
It seemed like forever before Kim got there. I asked Brianne to call her again because I was tired of waiting and ready to push! At some point Brie got there for the night shift. Finally, around 6:20 Kim showed up and we started pushing. Since Chris's episode with the epidural, we decided it would be best for him to sit in a tall chair by my head. Thankfully Brianne was willing to stay to hold one leg while Brie held the other and Chris got to be my head support and ice boy. I pushed like crazy and it relieved a lot of pressure until we got toward the end. When they talk about the "ring of fire" they aren't kidding. It feels like you are on fire and you are supposed to push through that. Kim said she wanted to give me a small episiotomy, I begged her not to. We pushed for several more contractions with no progress (the nurses said I was making progress but Chris told me later her head wasn't moving much and was out pretty far). Kim said it would be best if she did the episiotomy and just have a baby. She made a small cut  (I couldn't feel it but could I could hear it which is almost worse). I pushed a couple of times and saw her reach for the scissors again. As I'm telling her not to cut anymore, she does and at 7:04 pm Kinsley's head comes flying out. I didn't even have to push! Poor thing was just stuck. I felt such relief that it was all over and I got to see this beautiful baby girl. Chris cut the cord and started taking tons of pictures. We knew the new grandparents would be pacing in the waiting room so I sent Chris out right away to share the news.
So I thought I was out of the woods and everything was smooth sailing from here. Not so much! I started bleeding quite a bit. Once again, I could tell by the amount of clots coming out and the fact that they wouldn't let me eat or drink anything, a D&C (surgery where they scrap the inside of the uterus to stop the bleeding) was a good possibility. After 3 bags of pitocin, 2 shots of methergine in my leg, 800mcg of cytotec up my rear, lots of pushing on my uterus and Kim reaching her hand into my uterus to remove some clots, the bleeding finally slowed down. Because of all of this going on with me, our parents had to wait a while to meet Kinsley. They said they were "patiently" waiting. I don't believe it! haha.
official weight 7lbs 3oz

Thanks ladies!
(sorry it's blurry, I was still shaking a little)
Proud Daddy

Proud (and tired) Mommy 

First family picture
I ended up having to stay two nights to get antibiotics and make sure the bleeding was ok. Total blood loss was over 1200 mL. Yikes! I definitely felt pale and light headed the next couple of days.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

40 Weeks

(2 days shy of) 40 weeks (6/16)
Dear Kinsley,
You have been in there long enough! Please quit being stubborn and come out! This is your last warning, if I have to tell you again you will sit in time out!
Love, Mommy

Well, the good news is Chris's mom made it back in town.  The bad news is I am STILL pregnant! I did not prepare myself for this. I really thought she would be here by now. I should have known when I was two weeks late myself. Thankfully, they don't let you go that late anymore!
Saturday was our 5 year Anniversary. It is crazy to think it has been that long already. I am sure the next 5 years will fly by faster than the first. The picture is taken just before our date night. Chris thought I was cheating by taking the "40 week picture" 2 days early but I didn't want to have to dress up again! I got a new outfit for our date night. I think it is really cute! There are actually leggings underneath. I have never worn leggings before but they looked really good. We'll see if I can pull it off after I'm pregnant. We had a nice evening out, went to Paisano's for dinner, walked around the mall for a while, and got cold stone ice cream for dessert! While we were at the mall we picked up my push present/ anniversary present.
I love it! It doesn't fit on my finger right now, but it will soon enough.
5 year anniversary (6/16/12)

Wedding day (6/16/07)
So last night I worked, and of course it was a terrible night again! I must be the c-section queen because I have done 3 in the past two weeks!  Around midnight I started have some mild contractions. There were pretty frequent and regular but not enough to worry about. They burned, that was not the kind of pain I was expecting.  I got a few hours of sleep before my 40 week appointment this morning (I am technically 2 days over due but who's counting). I was really hoping the contractions all night had done something! Kim checked me and I was 1 cm dilated and a little thinner than last time. Her head was also quite a bit lower. I only measured at 38 weeks meaning I had dropped since last week! She was able to strip my membranes while she was in there to hopefully stir things up a little more. She told me since I am overdue I have the option of being induced. I said yes please! We decided to try inducing with cytotec (a little pill placed behind the cervix) and if it doesn't work we would try again next week. So tomorrow night (thursday 6/21) I will go to the hospital around 7 pm to be induced. I am hoping that the cytotec will work, especially since I am already having mild contractions. I am so excited to meet this little girl, but now I have 30 hours to sit here and think about it. I guess it's a good time to make sure everything is ready to go at this house! The best part is I don't have to go back to work for at least 10 weeks! WOOHOO!
So as if this post weren't long enough, here are some comparison photos.
12 weeks

20 weeks
30 weeks

40 weeks

Sometimes this thing has a mind of its own! My face has definitely gotten round! 
Here's to hoping this is the last "bump" post and we can move on to the "baby" posts!

How far along: 40 weeks (and 2 days)
Total weight gain/loss: I gained 3 pounds this week! yikes. That puts me over my second goal weight by 1 pound. 46.2 pounds total. Ughgh. Hoping to drop 10 lbs by the end of the weeks.
Maternity clothes?: yup or Chris's clothes around the house. It has been too hot to wear much.
Stretch marks?: I am sad to report I found a stretch mark. It is about 1cm long between the two holes where my belly button was pierced.
Sleep: I am exhausted this week! I have been sleeping pretty good at night and still taking naps during the day.
Best moment this week: Celebrating our anniversary, knowing this little girl is coming very soon.
Movement: Not as much as normal but still enough
Food cravings: Little Debbie cosmic brownies. Oh and I ate a whole package of pecan pinwheels in one day. Maybe that's where the 3 pounds came from. Oops
Gender: GIRL!
What I miss: It takes me ten times longer to get anything done! And my feet are killing me to walk on them.
Milestones: We have made it to the due date! Not really a milestone I was looking forward to reaching.

From Babycenter:
It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. (Any guesses on Kinsley's weight and length?) Her skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

39 Weeks

39 weeks (6/11)

Wow, not my best picture! Oh well.
I made it through the weekend! Everyone made it back in town safely, but Kinsley is still hanging out and showing no signs of wanting to leave her cozy home. Chris's mom will be out of town this weekend at wedding for one of Chris's cousins and our 5 year anniversary is on Saturday so if she could cooperate just one more time I think we'll be good. I would be more than happy for her to come now, but that doesn't look very promising.
Tuesday I had my 39 week appointment. I was really hoping it would be my last (it may still be, fingers crossed). I was hoping I could schedule an induction for next Monday, my due date. Kim checked my cervix (sorry if this is TMI) and I was still closed and thick! Ughgh.  She shoved a finger through hoping that would stir things up and get something going. I wanted her to strip my membranes but I was not dilated enough. So, since my cervix is not really ready, an induction at this point would just give me a greater chance for a c-section. My next appointment is next Wednesday, hoping to have made some kind of progress by then. 
I have had pretty frequent Braxton Hicks this week, especially after my appointment. It's a weird sensation. I feel like my chest and throat are being squeezed and I have trouble catching my breath. It doesn't make for very easy sleeping. The past couple of nights I have slept on the couch, I don't feel so short of breath when I am sitting up.
The last two nights I worked were terrible! So bad, I felt like I was going to pass out during a c-section. Sunday my feet were so swollen my flip flops almost didn't fit. I was pretty much dreading going to work Tuesday night, and then they called me off! I was so excited! Just a few more days of work, I can do this!

How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I only gained .3 pounds. That is the least amount I have gained this whole pregnancy! I might just make it under my goal! For those of you dying to know, that is a total of 43.2 pounds gained. I know, I'm a fatty. I'm over it.
Maternity clothes?: yup
Stretch marks?: Still nothing!
Sleep: Sleeping on the couch is going to get old real quick
Best moment this week: Not having to work on Tuesday! The .3 pound weight gain was pretty awesome too.
Movement: She's still in there. It felt like she bit me the other day. haha
Food cravings: Same stuff, anything unhealthy
Gender: GIRL!
What I miss: Sleeping in my bed all night, being able to drink lots of caffeine
Milestones: One week away from my due date!

From Babycenter:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Angel food cake dessert

angel food cake dessert
I've made this dessert before and love it! This time I tweaked the recipe a little to make it pink for our pink themed potlucks and prayers. It is so delicious especially for summer. There are so many possibilities with it too. Here is the recipe:

  • One store bought angel food cake cut into pieces
  • 16 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 16 ounces whipped topping, thawed
  • fruit
You can make the recipe with just those ingredients or you can get creative by adding 1 small packet of crystal light. I used raspberry lemonade this time and have used regular lemonade in the past. I love the tartness of the lemon!
Mix the cream cheese and sugar until smooth. If you want to add a crystal light packet, add it now. Fold in whipped topping, then angel food cake. Spread in 9x13 pan and chill for at least 3hours. Top with fruit of your choice.
Have fun with all the possibilities!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

38 Weeks

38 weeks (6/4)
I am having a baby this month! It has gone crazy fast. I can't believe I will have a little girl in less than two weeks! Now the waiting game begins.
Chris has done some nesting this week. He was very productive. He installed the carseat, cleaned the garage, picked up an end table for the nursery and even set up the pack and play at the shop.  I have my hospital bag packed except for a few last minute things. I'd say we are as ready as we can be. I feel like I have dropped quite a bit this week but the pictures don't really show it too much.
Sunday we had a going away party for our friends Josh and Megan. We are sad to see them go but we had a good time hanging out with everyone.

Of course, while everyone was here I made them all look at the pretty much completed nursery. 

It looks way cuter in person! At some point I will put some curtains up. My mom made a valance with the same fabric as the crib skirt that will need to go up too.
So I've decided Kinsley is probably going to come on Saturday. I knew Chris would be gone for the weekend at a wedding he is in in Wichita, but then I found out my mom will be at a meeting in KC on Saturday also. Then at my appointment on Tuesday, Kim informs me she will be out of town all weekend. Hopefully she will cooperate and stay in until at least Chris and my mom make it back.

How far along: 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I made up for last week. 2 pounds this week. Oops. Seriously creeping up on that second goal
Maternity clothes?: yup
Stretch marks?: None! She needs to come before I get any.
Sleep: It hasn't been too bad this week. I have to elevate my head but other than that it's been ok.
Best moment this week: Hanging out with friends
Movement: They are more like stretches than movements. She likes to push her feet out on my right side and her back out on my left. I have been feeling more Braxton Hicks, some sharp twinges and some cramping.
Food cravings: Same as usual, sweets and Mexican.
Gender: GIRL!
What I miss: Wearing my wedding ring and sitting lady like. I can't even cross my legs.
Milestones: We have reached her birth month!

From Babycenter:

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)