Wednesday, June 13, 2012

39 Weeks

39 weeks (6/11)

Wow, not my best picture! Oh well.
I made it through the weekend! Everyone made it back in town safely, but Kinsley is still hanging out and showing no signs of wanting to leave her cozy home. Chris's mom will be out of town this weekend at wedding for one of Chris's cousins and our 5 year anniversary is on Saturday so if she could cooperate just one more time I think we'll be good. I would be more than happy for her to come now, but that doesn't look very promising.
Tuesday I had my 39 week appointment. I was really hoping it would be my last (it may still be, fingers crossed). I was hoping I could schedule an induction for next Monday, my due date. Kim checked my cervix (sorry if this is TMI) and I was still closed and thick! Ughgh.  She shoved a finger through hoping that would stir things up and get something going. I wanted her to strip my membranes but I was not dilated enough. So, since my cervix is not really ready, an induction at this point would just give me a greater chance for a c-section. My next appointment is next Wednesday, hoping to have made some kind of progress by then. 
I have had pretty frequent Braxton Hicks this week, especially after my appointment. It's a weird sensation. I feel like my chest and throat are being squeezed and I have trouble catching my breath. It doesn't make for very easy sleeping. The past couple of nights I have slept on the couch, I don't feel so short of breath when I am sitting up.
The last two nights I worked were terrible! So bad, I felt like I was going to pass out during a c-section. Sunday my feet were so swollen my flip flops almost didn't fit. I was pretty much dreading going to work Tuesday night, and then they called me off! I was so excited! Just a few more days of work, I can do this!

How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I only gained .3 pounds. That is the least amount I have gained this whole pregnancy! I might just make it under my goal! For those of you dying to know, that is a total of 43.2 pounds gained. I know, I'm a fatty. I'm over it.
Maternity clothes?: yup
Stretch marks?: Still nothing!
Sleep: Sleeping on the couch is going to get old real quick
Best moment this week: Not having to work on Tuesday! The .3 pound weight gain was pretty awesome too.
Movement: She's still in there. It felt like she bit me the other day. haha
Food cravings: Same stuff, anything unhealthy
Gender: GIRL!
What I miss: Sleeping in my bed all night, being able to drink lots of caffeine
Milestones: One week away from my due date!

From Babycenter:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

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