Monday, July 23, 2012

1 Month Old

Kinsley can't believe she is one month old either (7/21)

This is a cuter picture! (7/21)

Time is going by way too fast! I can't believe Kinsley is already one month old. Before I know it she will be getting married! We have had a busy month, but overall it has gone well. She has had a lot of
"firsts". Her first 4th of July, first time to the mall, first time to the shop, and many others, first purse party, and many others. We are starting to get somewhat of a routine and she is sleeping pretty well at night. A couple of nights ago she slept from 11pm until 6:15am! Chris woke up around 4 and asked if I had fed her yet. I panicked and ran into her room to check on her. She was fine, and slept 2 more hours! Kinsley loves to smile and giggle, especially at her daddy and at 3am. She produces a ton of laundry! If you remember, I got an amazing deal on huggies diapers and stocked up like crazy. Come to find out, Kinsley pees and poops out of them! Luckily, I was able to exchange some of them for pampers. I'm hoping the bigger sizes won't leak as bad.
We went to Kinsley's 1 month check up today. She is growing quite a bit! She weighed 8lb 13oz and was 22.5 inches long. Still long and skinny!

Here are some pictures from the last month:
4th of July (13 days old)

I love all of her silly expressions! I have been told she gets that from me :)
This one cracks me up (7/12)

nap time with Daddy. Love it!

With the Dominator
Kinsley and I in the Dominator. We spotted a tornado!
 Well, I've only lost 3 more pounds since my 1 week postpartum picture (20 lbs total) but I feel skinnier. Maybe things are starting to tone up on their own. I have started exercising a little and cutting back on the sweets. By cutting back I mean only having one sweet a day instead of 5 :). I went shopping last week for some shorts (I am so over this 100 degree weather!) and was quite depressed when I had to buy a size double what I used to wear. Luckily Kinsley loves to exercise! Every time I start my exercise video (Jillian 30 day shred) she cries. I guess she is sad she is missing it! I have exercised several times with her on my left arm and a weight in my right hand.

For those of you waiting to see weekly updates, forget it! You are lucky to get monthly updates!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

1 Week Old

1 week old (6/28)

Well, Kinsley is one week old(almost two by the time I actually post this, oops)! Time is flying by too fast already. She has been a pretty good baby so far. The first couple of nights were a little rough, but after that she has only gotten up once through the night. I can handle that!
It has been a busy week. We have had a lot of visitors and several appointments. Monday was her first Dr. appointment. She lost more weight so we had to start supplementing with formula. I, on the other hand, only lost 7 pounds! She got her first bath at home on Monday and her cord fell off. We found it in her diaper, gross! I threw it away! Wednesday, Chris had a softball game and I was ready to get out of the house. It was too hot for Kinsley to be outside even at 9:15pm so my mom came to the house and watched her. My dad was more nervous about leaving her than I was. Jessica and Chad came in town late that night and stopped by to see Kinsley. Thursday, we had newborn pictures taken. She did not cooperate too well for them but I think we will still have plenty of good ones to choose from. We also went to see Great Grandma Jolley. By the end of the day we were both wiped out and took a nice long nap on the couch. Friday, she had another appointment and was almost back up to birth weight. I was much happier with my weight too. Down 17 pounds! Woohoo! Only 29 more pounds to go! As soon as people stop bringing us all this delicious food, I am going to start watching what I eat more and slowly start back in on exercising. Let's hope Kinsley likes to exercise!
Girl cousins visiting Grandma Jolley

First bath at home. She loves her hair being washed but that's about it.

1 week postpartum

Inspiration picture. One day I will look like this again, hopefully!