Sunday, April 19, 2015

5 Months

Such a big girl!
I am so much in denial that my little baby is 5 months old. That is way too close to 6 months old which means I have to start planning her 1 year birthday and I am not ready for that! I held a brand new baby the other day and although I miss Callie being that small I am loving the little personality she is developing. This girl gives the biggest smiles (especially at 5 am when she is supposed to be sleeping) and the best belly laughs.

This month was full of family and surprises. Jessica and Audrey made a surprise visit just a few days before Easter! It was so much fun to have them here and do some Easter activities together. We had a little Easter party (decorated eggs, had bunny shaped Rice Krispie Treats, made an Easter craft) and went to an Easter egg hunt. Callie slept through most of the activities but still had fun playing with Jessica and Audrey while they were here.

The Saturday before Easter we spent time with Chris's extended family. Callie got to meet one of his aunts and got a couple of Easter baskets full of candy and toys. Easter Sunday my extended family was in town. We had another Easter egg hunt where the girls got even more candy. I'd say these girls are pretty spoiled!

Easter party! (Callie is sleeping)
I'm kinda proud of the craft.
Kinsley wrote her name if you couldn't tell
Kinsley and Callie's Easter baskets.


It was a little windy out


Callie has learned a few new tricks this month. She loves sitting up in her Bumbo to read books, she learned how to blow raspberries, and she is reaching for things that are dangled in front of her. She has been working on rolling over too. She is really good at rolling tummy to back, not so great at rolling back to tummy. (I'm going to try to post video-not sure they will come across right)

Maybe she'll be the athletic one. 

Reading in the Bumbo

So silly

She had her first bite of cereal and her first haircut just a couple days before she turned 5 months old. I'd say we had an eventful month!
Callie is Excited to get rid of the rat tail!

Age: 5 months
Weight/percentile: no weight this month
Height/percentile: no height either
Eye color: Still dark blue
Hair color: Light brown. No more rat tail!
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: Mostly 3 month. Some 6 month
Shoe size: Newborn shoes are officially too small. Some of the size 1's are still a little big though.
Favorite food: Callie got to try a little bit of cereal. Tasty!
Favorite activity: Watching her sister be silly, being read to, sleeping
Movement: Whenever I lay Callie down on a blanket on the floor she scoots herself off in less than 10 min. Still working on rolling over better
Sounds/talking: Callie is so loud! She loves to talk. Chris says she sounds like a pterodactyl
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good. She has been waking up around 530 to eat. It probably doesn't help that Kinsley has been waking up around 1230 and 430 every night. 

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