Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7 Months old

7 Months old!

"How you doin?"
 It makes me so sad to say my cute little baby is 7 months old! She is such a big girl and not really a baby anymore. Look at that girl sitting up like she is so cool. Kinsley has had all kinds of new vegetables. We have even moved on to some orange vegetables including butternut squash, sweet potato and pumpkin. This girl likes to eat!
Two days after Kinsley got her shots she was sick. It was a terrible experience for all of us. She had a terrible cough, sneezing, and stuffed up/runny nose You could tell she didn't feel good. Sunday night (1/6) Kinsley was having a hard time breathing through her nose when she slept. She would try for a few seconds, then open her mouth and gasp for air. I was terrified that she wouldn't open her mouth to breathe so I "slept" on her floor all night. By morning I ended up in her chair holding her so she could breathe. It was a long week with very little sleep for any of us. By the next Sunday she was feeling better but the lack of sleep and cuddling with Kinsley caught up to me. I felt terrible! I slept most of the day Sunday and felt much better by Monday. Chris willingly took Kinsley to church by himself and even taught our Sunday School class!
Poor girl!
Thursday (1/17) we had Kinsley's 6 month/sitting pictures taken. She did such a great job! Terra (the photographer) said she did much better than she did for her newborn pictures. Haha. It was fun, but a lot of work to keep her smiling for an hour. Here is a sample Terra posted on Facebook. We should have more soon!
So cute!

Age: 7 months
Weight/percentile: I'm sure it hasn't changed much since last time
Head circumference:
Eye color: Blue.
Hair color: Light brown/blonde. It is getting thicker in the back
Teeth: Still nothing
Diaper size: Size 2. :( We switched her over last week (1/16)
Clothing size: Mostly 3-6 month. Her 6-9 month leggings are starting to get snug. Girl has some thighs!
Favorite food: Anything I put in her mouth. Hopefully she will stay that way and not start getting picky on me.
Favorite activity: Play with anything she is not supposed to be playing with (my phone, paper)and chewing on everything.
Movement: She is moving! Not crawling, but scooting and rolling to get to things. She has been getting to her hands and knees and rocking. She scoots backward really well.
Sounds/talking: Kinsley started clicking her tongue this month (1/13) and saying dada (1/12). Sometimes I think it sounds more like a "t" sound than a "d".

No picture of me again. Nobody really cares anyway I'm sure! I still haven't gone to the gym so I can't show you my guns. :)
Good news! Chris shaved the beard! Thanks friends for your help!

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