Monday, April 8, 2013

9 Months old

9 Months
I know this is a terrible picture but Kinsley had a really bad upset tummy and I was not going to chance getting one of her nice outfits dirty. Poor thing was sick for a good 5 days. I took her to the Dr. when she decided to only eat 1-2 oz of her bottle instead of 6! He (not my regular Dr.) said it was just a virus. UGH!
I am kind of slacking this month. We have had a lot going on the past month and a half. We celebrated birthdays, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and just had a baby shower for X""ticia (Jessica and Chad's baby-that's not her real name). We spent a lot of time at the church during the Passion Play that Chris was in.

St. Patrick's Day

Passion Play. Kinsley was a little unsure of Chris with all his make up on.


Family Easter pic.
Notice Kinsley's little bracelet I made her?
Jessica's shower.

Kinsley is becoming less of a baby every day. It make me so sad but so excited to see her little personality come out. She is still army crawling but is trying to for real crawl. She gets up on her hands and knees and takes two little "steps" then goes back to the army crawl. She is also trying to pull herself up on the couch and her bed. We already moved her mattress down once, may have to do it again. Kinsley is eating all kinds of things and even drinks from a straw! I am trying to teach her a few things in sign language like "more" and "thank you". She uses her own sign language for "more" by pounding on the table!
"I love asparagus!"
"Grandpa let's me finish off his beer"
It was just root beer and there wasn't anything left in the bottle.

Age: 9 months (9 1/2 by the time I get this posted)
Weight/percentile: 17lbs 2oz/ 17th percentile (She lost weight!? Maybe a difference in scales or time of day? The Dr. wasn't concerned)
Height/percentile: 28.5in/ 87th percentile
Head circumference: 16.5in/ 10th percentile
Eye color: Still blue
Hair color: Light brown. The back is darker than the top. She has a little bald spot where her headband sits :/
Teeth: None!
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size: She still wears a lot of 6 month onsies but definitely needs the 9 month pants. Her Easter dress was 12 month.
Favorite food: She is starting to get pickier. She used to love bananas and avocados but won't eat them anymore. She ate a whole spear of asparagus one night and loved it. She screamed when I took it away. The Dr. told us to try anything we wanted except milk and honey. So maybe we will try some meats soon.
Favorite activity: She loves walks. The weather has been nice enough lately to go for walks! She also likes playing with the dogs at my parent's house.
Movement: Still army crawling but trying really hard to for real crawl. She loves to throw herself back and look at things upside down. She is squirrely sometimes
Sounds/talking: She says momma! It's more like momomom, but I'll take it! She also says what sounds like "bye" when she waves bye-bye. If you ask her "What does the doggy say?" she makes a high pitched "bark".  She is one smart cookie already!

On my Birthday. 8 1/2 months postpartum
Finding time to go to the gym or do an exercise video at home hasn't been easy. Maybe it's motivation that I'm having trouble finding. I weigh less now than before I got pregnant and wear a size smaller in jeans but I really need to start toning! We are going on a boating trip in June and if you can't tell in the pic, my butt has completely disappeared.  That oughta look real nice in a swimming suit. All in all I am pretty proud of how I look after gaining so much pregnancy weight...until I sit down...

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