Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kinsley 2 Years

It is hard to believe that sweet little baby is already two! We have had a busy year with all kinds of changes and fun things going on. 
Kinsley got to ride on an airplane twice this year. The first trip was in August to Nashville/Huntsville. Chris had a class for work that he went to so Kinsley and I tagged along. We had all kinds of fun running around town while he was at his class. Since we were so close, we spent some time with Nick and Danae. Kinsley did such an awesome job on the plane. She slept during both flights and only fussed a little.
First time on a plane

Fancy dinner out

Hanging out with Uncle Nick

The second airplane experience did not go quite as smoothly. Kinsley and I flew to Colorado for Audrey's 1st birthday in May. It was much more difficult going by myself. Kinsley did not sleep at all even though I purposely booked flights during nap and bed time. She still did pretty good and we had a great time visiting Audg in Colorado.
Such a big girl carrying her own bookbag

Matching at the zoo

Kinsley loves her cousin!
In November Kinsley got to be the flower girl in Kim and Josh's wedding. That weekend I realized I could no longer deny that my baby was now a toddler. She walked down the aisle like a pro, danced all night and even tried to catch the bouquet. 
Walking down the aisle!

Dancing with the ring bearer 

Dancing with the bride

Trying to catch the bouquet. I'm going to have to watch this girl!

Each holiday has been so much more fun this year. Kinsley really enjoyed each of them and we got to start some fun traditions.
For Halloween Kinsley was an owl. She even learned how to say "Whoo Whoo" like an owl. At first she did not want to wear her costume, then she saw other kids with their costumes on and decided she wanted to wear hers. It's a good thing because that thing took some time to make! Just before Halloween we took a hayride to pick out a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. I thought painting pumpkins would be easier than carving them. Kinsley really enjoyed it and was very particular about her painting. I tried to turn the pumpkin to a clean spot, she got mad and turned it back.


Finished product.

Cutest owl I've ever seen!
Thanksgiving was spent with family and eating turkey. Kinsley also got to sit in the living room, eat her breakfast and watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Eating breakfast while watching the parade. Doesn't get much better.

MMMM turkey leg!
Kinsley had so much fun at Christmas unwrapping her gifts and helping pass out gifts to everyone else. On Christmas Eve Kinsley got to open her Christmas Eve present (new pj's, a book, an ornament and a sweet treat) and set milk and cookies out for Santa. Unfortunately, Santa couldn't eat all of his cookies so Kinsley finished them the next morning for him.
Christmas Sunday

She loves her new jammies!
Picture with Santa

We did some crafting for Valentine's Day. Kinsley loved painting the canvas and her hands! The huge mess gave me a little anxiety but she had fun making it. We gave one to each grandma and kept one for our house. Kinsley got a couple of little gifts like a new book, new Valentine's day shirt, balloons, and a new plate. All of our meals that day consisted of heart shaped foods. 
What a mess!

I love the final product!
Easter was so much better this year! Kinsley actually enjoyed getting in the grass and hunting Eggs. We also decorated and dyed a few eggs. Kinsley got an Easter basket full of goodies (book, book bag, crayons, bubbles).
Family Easter picture with all FOUR of us ;)
Hunting Easter eggs
dyed Easter Eggs

Matching Easter dresses
During the winter and spring Kinsley was a busy girl with all of her activities! She had playgroup on Monday, Story time at the library on Tuesday, Bible study on Wednesday and gymnastics on Thursday. In between all of her activities we found time to walk to the park, bake, play in the snow and walk to the shop to visit Daddy. Kinsley loves having things to do.
Headstand at gymnastics

Making cupcakes

Playing in the snow

Yummy snow!
One day after playgroup Kinsley decided she didn't want to hold my hand on the way to the car and thought instead she would run across the parking lot. It is a terrible parking lot with a blind corner right where she decided to run. I went and grabbed her hand and walked her back to the car. She was not happy about having to hold my hand so she threw herself to the ground. I picked her up and put her in the car. She was still crying but I could tell it was an "I'm hurt cry" not an "I'm mad" cry. I couldn't see anything obviously wrong with her arm so we headed home, ate lunch and took a much needed nap. When Kinsley woke up she was still holding her arm and wouldn't let me move it or touch it. I called the Doctor's office and they said it sounded like a Nursemaid's elbow which would need to be fixed in the office. Five days, two office visits, an X-Ray, a couple of suckers and a cute sling later she was back to normal. I felt really bad but now she almost always asks me for my hand before we go into a parking lot.
What a pitiful face. 
The biggest change this year was finding out Kinsley is going to be a big sister! She is so excited to have a little sister. She already talks to the baby, sings to her, gives her hugs and kisses and wants to hold her. I can't wait to see how she does when the baby actually arrives. Hopefully she is just as excited. 

"Super Sister"
Kinsley is a sweet, outgoing, strong-willed, independent little girl. She gives the best hugs and kisses, yells "HI!" to everyone she sees, and likes to do things all by herself. Although we have had some rough days (or weeks) I have truly enjoyed spending so much time with Kinsley and getting to see her personality take shape. I am so excited, and a little nervous, to watch as she grows even more. 
On our way to birthday dinner
Two year pictures

Age: 2 years
Weight/percentile: 26 pounds/42nd percentile 
Height/percentile: 35.5 inches/89th percentile
Head circumference: 18 inches/22nd percentile
Eye color: Blue with green in the middle
Hair color: Light brown or dark blonde with some curls around the edges. Kinsley has had about 4 haircuts. The back always grows faster than the front.
Teeth: Kinsley has a full mouth of teeth. 
Diaper size: Size 5. 
Clothing size: 24 month or 2T.  Size 6.5-7 shoes
Favorite food: I think cottage cheese or "hot cheese" as she calls it may be her all time favorite food. She really isn't picky and will eat most things I put in front of her. She doesn't really like ground beef and will immediately spit out crab ragoon (maybe it's the texture?)
Favorite activity: Swimming, swinging, jumping on the trampoline, riding her new bike, "playing with kids", riding the train.
Favorite TV show/Movie: Kinsley loves 'Sofia the First' (she calls "beeta") and 'Frozen' (she calls "first time ever"). We have the Frozen soundtrack and listen to it anytime we are in the car.
Movement: Kinsley is running, jumping, kicking and throwing a ball. We are still working on catching.
Sounds/talking: Constant! This girl does not stop talking. She loves to call people on the phone and just chat away. Most of the time I can understand her 4-6 word sentences and we communicate pretty well. Sometimes I think she takes random words she knows and puts them together to make a sentence. It might sound something like "Ball outside in the corner at church play with kids".  My favorite sentence is "I wudjew Mommy". Kinsley can count to 10 with no problems and is working on counting to 13 (she leaves 12 out). She is also working on spelling her name. Right now we have "K-i-n-s" and then the rest of the letters come out randomly.

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