Saturday, October 4, 2014

34 Weeks

34 weeks (10/2)
So, ummm, I'm going to have a baby next month. I only have 6 weeks left, that's only 42 days. YIKES! I heard rumor that there are bets on if I will even make it to Halloween. Unfortunately, I think I have a better chance of making it to Thanksgiving than only making it to Halloween. A lot has happened in the past month. I was actually going to do a 32 week post but I was too busy to even get a decent picture.
First, I have had two Dr's visits in the past month. Both were great and pretty uneventful. The weight gain is going great. The first 2 week appointment I only gained 0.2 pounds. That's right, not 2 pounds 0.2! So pretty much nothing. The second 2 week appointment I gained 3 pounds which is really about average for this point in the pregnancy. I have one more 2 week appointment and then I start going weekly.
JanMarie got married on September 20th. It was a crazy busy week but so much fun having all of our family here together. Kinsley and Audrey were flower girls and probably the cutest flower girls I have ever seen. They loved hanging out with each other all weekend.
Kinsley and Audrey- pretty little flower girls!

We have also been busy getting the baby's room together. I have almost all of our stuff out of the room, we bought a crib and paint for the walls, and we got the walls primered. Now all we have to do is paint, set the bed up, find a dresser, find a chair and a small table, make curtains, a bed skirt and a lamp shade, put some decorations up, and wash and put away her clothes. We can get that all done in 6 weeks right? Sure (deep breaths, deep breaths).
Kinsley helping prime the baby's room. Chris's mom and sister helped too. 

I decided this last month and a half to do something fun with Kinsley at least once a week. So far we have gone to the Zoo, Cider Days, Deanna Rose Farmstead and Fritz's. I am trying to really enjoy these last weeks with just her. She has been extra cuddly and mostly wants me lately. I think she can tell things are going to be changing real soon. 
At Fritz's
I love when I get a real smile and not a "cheeeeeese" smile
I started a "Big Sister" bag for Kinsley. The idea is to put fun/special things in there for just her and things that will keep her occupied while at the hospital. So far all I have is a Princess Sofia cup that she picked out. I plan on adding coloring books, stickers, fun snacks, and maybe a book. I am open for more ideas if anyone has any!
I got crafty one night.
I will also take any name suggestions! Chris and I have a couple of ideas but haven't made a final decision yet. 
Last thing, for those of you who think I look bigger this time... I am. I really thought I was about the same. To prove that I wasn't bigger I wore the same shirt I did at 34 weeks with Kinsley...

34 weeks with Kinsley
34 weeks baby #2

How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 pounds total.
Maternity clothes?: Yes. Starting to run out of options there too.
Stretch marks?: Nothing yet
Sleep:  Ugh. I have been getting up about once a night to go to the bathroom. Also, every time I roll over I feel like I'm going to pull a muscle. AND I have been getting leg cramps.
Best moment this week: Spending time with family, making some headway on the bedroom, only gaining 0.2 pounds (even if I gain 3 the next 2 weeks)
Movement: Tons! Some of her kicks are a little painful. She has had hiccups almost every day.
Food cravings: I have made pumpkin bread twice this last week. I always crave pumpkin this time of year.
Gender: Girl! Although my dad had a dream that we had a boy and named him Marvin Wayne Ireland.
What I miss: Bending over. It is nearly impossible right now.
Milestones: 34 weeks! If the baby was born right now she would most likely be just fine with very little assistance if any.

From BabyCenter:

How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies

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