Sunday, October 26, 2014

36-37 Weeks

36 Weeks (1 day shy of. 10/15)

37 weeks (and 2 days 10/25)
How does time go by so fast!? Part of me would like for the next 3 weeks to hurry up and get here. I am so excited to see this little girl (still nameless). I can't wait to see what she looks like, and see her personality develop. I am also ready for my old body back. This one is getting harder and harder to move around. I can't roll over in bed or jump up out of bed like I used to and I have a hard time fitting into any kind of smaller space. On the other hand, I would really like for the next 3 weeks to drag out and take their time. I love feeling her little movements and being able to eat basically whatever I want. Also, I am not quite ready to get up every few hours in the middle of the night and I'm a little worried about how Kinsley will behave. She has been a hot mess lately, I don't know if I can handle a hot mess and a newborn on little to no sleep. Maybe Chris and Kinsley should move out for the first month, that might be better for everyone!
We have gotten quite a bit accomplished over the past few weeks, but I feel like there is still so much to do. I have come to realize it just may not all get done before she gets here and that is ok I guess. The walls are painted, the crib is up, we have a dresser, a chair, and a table. We ended up getting the same dresser and crib set as Kinsley's. I stole the chair and table from Kinsley's room. The chair is quite big for the room but it will work. Kinsley was sad that I was taking all of these things from her room and putting them in the baby's room so we went shopping and she got to pick out a rug and bookshelf for her new "big girl" room. Whatever I have to say to make that girl happy.

 I tried to get her to pick a different rug but she wanted this one. It is really soft, she has been spending a lot of time on it reading her books.
Sunday (10/19) my friends threw me a little shower. It was great! I got a lot of necessities including the mattress, sheets, changing pad, and diapers.  I also got some cute clothes and other things to put in her room. I did a terrible job of taking pictures. We had it in a party room at the Blue Moose. The girls had it nicely decorated and Emily made her famous flourless chocolate cake. Yum!

Kinsley and I were twins  :)

So I am down to weekly appointments now. I had an appointment just before 36 weeks. They did my checked me for Group B Strep and checked my cervix (sorry if you didn't want to know that). I'm already 1cm dilated! That is pretty exciting considering I was barely 1cm when I went into the hospital with Kinsley. Really it means nothing but I'll take it. At my 37 week appointment I had to get another Tdap shot in my arm. The recommendation now is that you get one with every pregnancy which I think is silly but whatever, I'll be compliant. They also told me my GBS came back positive which is a big bummer. That really doesn't mean much either except now I have to be sure I'm at the hospital at least 4 hours before I deliver to get antibiotics and I will have to stay for 48 hours. Neither should be a problem, it is just less control I have. Overall everything is going good. Just a few more appointments! I haven't hit the "I'm done, get this thing out of me" stage yet. I am nearing it, but haven't quite hit it.

Right now Kinsley is in Colorado with my mom and JanMarie visiting Jessica, Chad and Audg. I was nervous about her going because she does NOT do well in the car and that is a long drive. Supposedly she is doing fine and enjoying her time with her cousin (or so they tell me). Chris and I decided to take advantage of the kid-free weekend and have a date night. 
Last date for a while :(  10/25
We went to Paisano's for dinner and then came home to watch the Royals get killed in the 4th World Series game. It has been nice to have my house stay clean all weekend and get a few more things checked off the to-do list.

How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 39.8 pounds total. I gained 46 pounds with Kinsley. As long as I don't go over that I'll be good.
Maternity clothes?: Yup. Started wearing Chris's shorts around the house. They are comfy and I am hot!
Stretch marks?: Nope
Sleep:  It's about to get a whole lot worse!
Best moment this week: My baby shower and feeling a little more ready for this little girl to arrive
Movement: You can tell she is running out of room in there. Her movements are more like nudges and pushes.
Food cravings: I can't think of any. That is surprising! My stomach is running out of room too. I can't eat much and half the things I do eat have given me heartburn (never had that with Kinsley).
Gender: Girl! If it's not he'll have to wear girl clothes and sleep in a girl's room for a while.
What I miss: My memory. It is seriously so frustrating. I lose everything! My phone, keys, credit card. I haven't lost Kinsley yet, I guess that's good.
Milestones: 37 weeks! Full term

From BabyCenter:
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

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