Thursday, November 6, 2014

38-39 Weeks

38 weeks (and 5 days 11/4)

We are officially down to single digit days until we meet this little girl. Quite a bit has been accomplished in the the past couple of weeks. I am definitely in nesting mode and have been cleaning/organizing like crazy. I have just a few more things I need to get for her room like a curtain for her closet, a lamp and a changing pad cover. My mom and I went this week to get the fabric for the bed skirt and curtains above the window. I also ordered the decal that will go on her wall. Now, I just have to get the rest of the house ready.
I have had two weekly appointments, both went well. I actually lost weight last week! Only a half pound but I will take it. At my last appointment they checked my cervix again. No real change from the first time they checked me but she did try to stir things up a little.  So far it hasn't worked. As I was leaving Kim noticed that I have dropped a little since the week before, which I am definitely feeling. She told me "Make an appointment for next week...we'll see if you make it that long". AHHHH. I am trying not to get my hopes up and preparing myself to go overdue like I did with Kinsley, but it was a nice reminder that the end is so close.
In these last couple of weeks we have tried to have a lot of family time with Kinsley. Just before Halloween we had our families over for S'mores. Kinsley loved roasting the "marsh-uh-mallows". She ate at least 5 and was asking for more!
roasting marshmallows

On Halloween I had a prenatal massage and a pedicure while Kinsley was at preschool then we spent the day visiting each grandma and grandpa at work and went to a trunk or treat in the evening.
Princes Sofia

Even the baby got to wear a costume
This week we had a family date night. Chris took us to Kiku's (he really DOES love us! He doesn't care for Chinese food or anything similar). I thought Kinsley would love seeing them cook the food in front of us especially with all the tricks they do. It turns out, she was scared of the fire and thought the tricks were too loud.  We made it through dinner with her on my lap for most of it.
Date night! My face is definitely getting round.

Last night Kinsley had a sibling class. She loved holding the baby and making her a birthday card. We took a tour of the Birthplace (OB floor) and even got to see a real baby in the nursery. It will be interesting to see how well she does in the little room when the baby actually comes.
She is going to be such a good big sister...hopefully

Oh, did I forget to mention we decided on a name!? This is the picture and the only clue we sent to our family. They had to figure it out from there. Any guesses? We are still working on a middle name.

Baby I's name starts with a "C"

The next blog post will either be Baby I's birth story or her eviction notice. We'll see!
Any guesses on date, time, weight and length?

How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 41 pounds. Definitely more than I was hoping for but what can you do.
Maternity clothes?: Yes. My belly is starting to hang out the bottom of most of them.
Stretch marks?: None yet.
Sleep:  Oh my. The past few days have been terrible. I get up once in the night to go to the bathroom and then can't go back to sleep. Most days I have been getting out of bed for the day around 6. I guess my body is trying to prepare me for sleep deprivation, as if it's not used to that already working nights.
Best moment this week: Time with family. I am trying to cherish these last few days as a family of three
Movement: I can tell she has gotten lower.
Food cravings: I have eaten so much Halloween candy this week it's ridiculous.
Gender: Girl!
What I miss: Being able to walk normal. The waddle is not very attractive. 
Milestones: Single digits!

From BabyCenter:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, about the size of a mini-watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

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