Sunday, February 22, 2015

2 Months!

She was not happy!

A few days late but much happier!

 I am trying so hard to cherish every minute I have with this little girl because it is going by so fast! The past month was busy again but starting to slow down now that the holidays are over and we are in a pretty set routine. I am finally starting to really enjoy Callie instead of just surviving each day.
In the past month Callie has been on two long trips. 
The first was to Galveston for Christmas vacation with my family. We flew there and stayed in a house right on the beach. It was gorgeous! A little chilly but still gorgeous. 
Early morning flight= Pj's!  They both did so good on the plane

Sunrise over the ocean from our back porch. So pretty!
Sunset from the front porch.

Callie's first time on a boat dolphin watching. 

Matching PJ's!
Setting out cookies for Santa

The second trip was a road trip to Colorado to visit Audrey... and Jessica and Chad too I guess :)  It is about a 9 hour drive and both girls did amazing! We stopped twice on the way there and only once on the way home! While we were there we went to an indoor water park and the Denver Zoo. Two "firsts" for Callie. It was a fast trip but worth it. 
Callie didn't really like the water. But look at that suite! Too cute!

Yup. Not happy.

Warm day at the Denver Zoo.

Cousin love!

Over Christmas Kinsley, Callie and I were all sick. I felt so bad for Callie, she looked miserable! She had a terrible cough, runny nose and a rash all over her face. Thankfully there were plenty of us around to give her extra cuddles.
She looks miserable! Poor girl.

The Sunday before Christmas
Sleepy girl

Kinsley's feet areso big compared to Callie's!

Age: 2 month
Weight/percentile: 10 lbs 6 oz 46th percentile
Height/percentile: 22.8 in  74th percentile
Eye color: Blueish gray
Hair color: Lots of dark brown hair. It is starting to lay down a little.
Diaper size: Size one
Clothing size: This girl is growing fast! None of her newborn sleepers fit and a lot of her newborn clothes are too small. She is wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes but some 3 month clothes already
Favorite food: She loves her milk. Kinsley tries to give her all kinds of other foods
Favorite activity: Playing on her piano play mat
Movement: Lots of kicking. She is holding her head up really well!
Sounds/talking: She has found her voice! I love her little "cooing" noises
Sleep: Being sick has thrown off her sleeping schedule a little but she still sleeps a lot. She usually sleeps from about 11-7. I really can't complain!

I go back to work on Friday the 13th (of Feb) and also work on Saturday the 14th (Valentine's day). What a terrible weekend to go back to work! For some reason I feel like I might get more accomplished once I go back.

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