Saturday, February 28, 2015

3 Months

Callie is not sure what to think about being
3 months old and sitting up on her own!

Just kidding... she loves it!

Where did my infant go? Although she isn't super little anymore, it has been fun to see Callie's personality start to show. This girl loves to smile, especially at her sister. Anytime Kinsley walks in the room Callie gives her a big smile. Kinsley gets excited to see her smile too.  Callie is also starting to laugh. She is so ticklish. If you find the right spot she squirms and makes one little giggle sound. I haven't figured out how to get her to full on laugh yet.
Kinsley had "guest day" at preschool this month. She decided to take Callie. Callie slept the whole time and didn't play like Kinsley had hoped.
On February 7th we had Callie dedicated at church. She got to wear the special dedication dress (and headband).  She was pretty content through it all.
She always has that hand in her mouth!

Oh yeah, I chopped my hair :/
 My time off of work went way too fast! I am so glad I only work 2 days a week. The first weekend went pretty smoothly, I didn't even get tired! Callie and Chris on the other hand did not have such a smooth weekend. I guess we did not practice enough with the bottle because she didn't want anything to do with it. They eventually figured it out.
Doesn't he look thrilled?
One of my favorite holidays is Valentine's Day. It really became a favorite after Kinsley was born. It is just a fun day to have heart shaped things. During the week we made a Valentine's picture for the grandparents and cards for all the aunts. On Valentine's Day for breakfast (after I got off work) we had heart shaped pancakes. Kinsley was disappointed they weren't George pancakes (regular round) and Callie was sad I wouldn't let her eat any. Chris had to work at the flower show so the girls and I headed to Barnes and Nobel to pick out their Valentine's Day books. For lunch we had heart shaped pizza and heart shaped pink velvet cake. All this while wearing Valentine's day shirts and matching hats. So fun!

Yup, She's a cutie

Check out the little baby balloon!
Card for the Aunts

Picture for the grandparents (Kinsley's hand, Callie's feet)
Callie's 3 month pictures just a few weeks late.

love her eyes!

Age: 3 months
Weight/percentile: No weight this month
Height/percentile: No height either
Eye color: Still that dark gray blue
Hair color: Light brown. It is definitely getting thinner and she still has a rooster tail.
Diaper size: Size 2! We switched over to size two right when she turned 3 months.
Clothing size: Mostly 3 month clothes. Hardly any of the Newborn stuff fits and the 0-3 is starting to get snug
Shoe size: she is growing out of the newborn shoes already
Favorite food: Loving the milk....just not out of a bottle.
Favorite activity: Playing with Kinsley, watching other kids paly
Movement: Holding head up and looking around
Sounds/talking: She makes all kinds of noises. Sometimes it sounds like she is responding to me.
Sleep: This girl can sleep like her sister.  Except, of course, if it's when I need to sleep! She usually sleeps close to 12 hours (10pm-9am) and will even take two 3 hour naps during the day.

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