Sunday, December 6, 2015

12 Months!

12 months! I refuse to say she is "one year old"

Oh this girl. Can you see her saying "Deeeeese" in the picture above. Love it! I was so busy getting ready for Callie's party I completely forgot to take her "sticker pic". So she was a few days past one when I finally got this picture taken. It seems like the closer to one.... I mean 12 months old... she got the more "words" she was saying and the more conversations we had. I love having big girl conversations with her.
Callie's birthday party went so well! Thank you all who came to help us celebrate! I had a great time and I think everyone else did too.
I love how the cake and cake stand turned out. I was pretty proud of myself.
Callie barely ate any of it.

The drink and cake table

Callie's highchair

The mantel with Callie's monthly pictures
Loved Callie's outfit!
Sneak peek of Callie's one year pictures.
She wore that same skirt (my mom made it) to her birthday party.
The Friday before Callie's birthday we went out to the Kansas History Museum and had Callie's one year and some family pictures taken. It was a beautiful day! We got really lucky because the weather started getting much colder after that. Trying to get two girls to smile and look and the camera was exhausting! Hopefully we got a couple good ones.
Selfie while taking family pics
The last of Callie's first holidays...Halloween!  Callie was a cute little bumble bee and Kinsley was a lady bug. I felt a little guilty for not making their costumes this year but what can you do. They both looked adorable and it probably cost me less than it would to make it. Callie figured out this Trick-Or-Treat thing real quick. She reached her hand in the bucket, selectively grabbed her piece (or pieces) of candy and put them in her bag. Then she went for more.

Callie's first Halloween

My little bumble bee and lady bug

The top is Kinsley at about 16 months and the bottom is Callie at almost one year.
Well this year has gone by entirely too fast and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon. Some days I miss my little baby that just snuggled up with me and slept. But, I definitely don't miss the sleepless nights. I love watching Callie's personality develop and seeing her interact with other people. There have been a few "sister moments" recently that I just stood back and watched them play together. It doesn't last long so I have to enjoy it while it lasts. Callie is very loving (especially to her PopPop) and has the best belly laugh. I can't wait to see how much more she changes!

6 months
Age: 12 months
Weight/percentile: 18lbs 10oz/ 13th percentile (she gained 2lbs 6oz in 3 months!)
Height/percentile: 28.5 inches/ 31st percentile (only grew 1/2 inch in 3 months...)
Eye color: Mostly blue
Hair color: Light brown and getting longer and darker.
Diaper size: Size 3
Clothing size:  9 month fits perfect. 12 month fits pretty good but can be too big sometimes
Shoe size: Still wearing an 3 but they are getting snugger
Favorite food: Callie is so picky. She is definitely my meat eater. She will eat steak so fast! Since she is one she has gotten to try a few sweets which she is loving.
Favorite activity: Going down the slide with Kinsley, bath time, going to BSF (bible study)
Movement:  Callie has taken several steps but that is as far as we get. I really thought she'd be walking by now but I guess she thinks crawling is more fun.
Sounds/talking: I love the "conversations" we have.
Sleep: We had a couple rough nights this month but over all I can't complain. I am so thankful for girls who like to sleep like their mommy.

Here are pictures of Callie's party and her One year pics.
So excited to be one!

Family <3

Big sister helping Callie out with the candle

Yum! Icing!

Crafting in the garage

So sweet



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