Sunday, December 14, 2014

Callie Elise

Callie Elise
November 17 at 3:37pm
7lb 14oz, 20 inches

Life has been super busy since this little girl was born. Let's hope I can remember her birth story 3 weeks later and with very little sleep.
If there is anything I have learned from working Labor and Delivery it's that nothing ever goes how you plan. Thankfully for me everything went almost better than planned. So the plan was to be induced Sunday night with Cytotec then start Pitocin first thing Monday morning. I worked Saturday night, went to church Sunday morning then spent the afternoon cleaning the house and getting everything packed for me to take to the hospital and for Kinsley to take to the grandparents' houses. I obviously didn't learn my lesson from Kinsley and sleep when I had the chance. I was to excited and nervous to sleep anyway. I decided Burger Stand sounded like a pretty good last meal. I love their sweet potato fries. My parents met us there to pick up Kinsley. She was excited to go stay with Mimi and PopPop and not concerned at all about where I was going.

last picture as a family of three

We got checked in at the hospital and my nurse said she was going to start my IV, do some paperwork, yadda yadda, then check my cervix and call Kim to see what the plan was. I wasn't going to tell the nurses that I am a L&D nurse at "the other hospital". Some people get weird when they know you're a nurse especially doing the same thing they do at another hospital. I had been contracting off and on all week and knew if I made much change they would not be able to do the cytotec that night and probably wouldn't do anything until morning. In which case, I would rather just go home and sleep in my own bed and come back in the morning. So I asked the nurse, "Can you check my cervix first before you put the IV in?" She seemed a little irritated but was happy to do it that way. I'm sure most people just go along with the plan. :/   I was right! I had made change on my own! I was now 3 1/2 cm dilated and more thinned out. She asked what I was in the office and before I could think about it I said "I was 3 on the outer os but only 1 on the inner os". So much for not letting them no where I work. Pretty soon my nurse said "So, where do you work?" Ummmm. I just told her I worked in Health Connections at Stormont. :)  She called Kim and gave me several options. 1. Go home and come back at 6am  2. walk around for 2 hours and see if I make anymore change-since she checked me I was contracting regularly but no pain.  3. Stay the night and start Pitocin in the morning. I'll take option number 1 thanks! We were home and I was in bed by 9pm. By this point I was exhausted and ready for one more night of sleep in my own bed.

Last bump pic!
430am came awfully early but I was ready to go. It was baby day! Since I went home for the night I got to eat breakfast! I made myself a nice PBJ. It was delicious. We got checked back in at the hospital and I had the same nurse and same room (they saved it for me!). As she's getting ready to put my IV in she says "so where ELSE do you work?"  Shoot, she caught me.  It was a little bit of a rough start, it took three times to put my IV in. By 7 o'clock the IV was in and antibiotics and Pitocin were going. So now we just sit and wait.
My day shift nurse walked in and I realized she was my preceptor for Capstone in nursing school. I didn't think it would bother her to know that I also worked at St. Francis L&D. So when she asked where I worked, I told her. And I'm glad I did. It was nice to be talked to in nursing terms. She had a new nurse with her too. Things were moving pretty slowly all morning. My contractions were stronger but not unbearable at all. Chris and I listened to some music, watched a terrible movie and I painted my finger nails.
Around noon the contractions started getting more intense. They had been pretty frequent but now they were hurting a little. I sent Chris to get some lunch around 1230 while I rocked on the birthing ball. My nurse came in to do some charting so I had her help me stand and rock. At this point the contractions were strong enough that I had to stop talking and just breathe through them. We chatted for a little bit then before she left the room she asked if I wanted my epidural.  I told her they weren't that bad yet. Kim was supposed to be there sometime after lunch so anytime at this point and I really wanted to see how far I could get without the epidural. I was even considering not getting an epidural but wanted to talk to Chris about it first. My nurse left the room and no joke the next three contractions were TERRIBLE! I felt bad calling her 5 min after she left the room and telling her I wanted the epidural now so I decided to tough it out for 15 more min. Well, about 10 min later Kim and her student Kristen walk in to break my water. My nurse and Chris were right behind them. I told my nurse "um, you can go ahead and get that epidural coming!"  They broke my water at 1:20 and I was 5cm dilated. I had meconium fluid so the NICU team was going to have to be at the delivery and they would try to suction out Callie's mouth after delivery as long as she didn't cry first. If I ever do this again I will get the epidural BEFORE they break my water. It was the most disgusting feeling ever! The CRNA came in shortly after they broke my water and had my epidural in by 1:40. He was fast! It was a good thing too because I couldn't handle much more. He had me lay on my right side to put it in and the contractions hurt so much worse like that. Chris sat it out this time. ;)  Shortly after the epidural was placed Callie's heart rate dropped down for a couple minutes. She did better when I layed on my right side which was now completely numb from laying on it during the epidural and having the blood pressure cuff go off so frequently.
About 3:10 I started feeling a little more pressure so they checked me and I was an 8! They called Kim to update her and told her to "mosey" on over. We updated our family and told them to start heading to the hospital. My mom was already on her way with Kinsley. 10 minutes later I was feeling more and more pressure and starting to get shaky so they checked me again. I was completely dilated and her head was pretty far down (+2 station). Awesome! The nurses called Kim back and said don't mosey, come now! I didn't feel like I needed to push really just had quite a bit of pressure with each contraction.
I knew it was too late (once again) for my family to come in and see my so I sent my mom this picture.
Doin' good!

Everyone was in the room ready to go but because I had meconium fluid we had to wait for the NICU team to get there. Finally, it was push time! I started pushing at 3:30 and Callie was born at 3:37. She started crying right away so they didn't have to do much. I told Chris "That was easy. Let's do it again!" Ha. Callie's umbilical was really short; she barely reached my abdomen. Chris quickly cut the cord so I could put her on my chest and check her out!

So excited to meet this little girl!

Look at all that hair!
7lb 14oz

He forgot what it's like to hold a newborn.

Chris brought just Kinsley in first to meet Callie. I am so sad I did not video her first reaction. It was so cute! She had this giddy laugh and was so excited to meet her sister. She gave Callie a present (a blanket we made for her) and Callie gave her a present (a big sister necklace with their birthstones on it).  Finally the rest of our family got to come in and snuggle on Callie. It's a good thing they are patient!
First family picture
Everything went so smoothly, I am so thankful I had such good help! Chris counted 10 hospital staff in our room during delivery. It must have been the day to train people, everyone had a trainee with them. Which meant Chris got to stand by my head instead of holding a leg.
My nurses.

My midwives.
 And so the journey of life with two kids begins...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

40 Weeks

40 weeks (11/13)

Dear Callie,
I was really hoping you were not stubborn like your sister. I am so glad you find my uterus comfortable but I promise I have a really comfortable place for you to sleep out here too. It is time to come out. Everyone is anxious to meet you, especially your sister. I know she can be loud and has been yelling at you to come out for a while now but she is just excited to meet you. Ok? So come on out!

Well, here I am once again passed my due date. I have definitely hit the "I'm done" wall. I was certain this baby was coming on Tuesday. Monday night I played bunko which has been known to put girls in our group into labor. Also, that day the weather changed drastically. It was low 70's during the day and low 30's by that evening. I guess she didn't get the memo that she was supposed to be born on Tuesday.
Since I didn't have a baby on Tuesday I went to my last appointment. Everything looked great. She checked my cervix again and tried to stir things up again. She said I was a 3 on the outside but still a 1 on the inside and still pretty thick. So maybe a little change from the week before but not really. We went ahead and scheduled an induction for Sunday night. The plan is to go in Sunday at 7pm, have a few doses Cytotec placed then start pitocin Monday morning and hopefully have a baby by Monday afternoon. Since Tuesday I have had some uncomfortable contractions off and on mostly in the evening. Just as soon as I think maybe I'm in early labor they stop. It is a little frustrating. Who knows, maybe I will deliver Sunday evening on my own like I did with Kinsley.
We did get her room as complete as we can for now. I am waiting on a few things to come in the mail. Here are some pictures but the color is pretty off. The walls are a taupe and the curtains and bedskirt are much prettier in person.
Curtains my mom made

Waiting for a decal to put on this wall. You can see the bedskirt poking out.

painting Kinsley made. Waiting on a different changing pad cover

Waiting on curtains for the closet. 
I'm so glad it is finally coming together.

I guess it is time to do one more comparison so we can see just how big I have gotten over the past 40 weeks. 
9 Weeks

20 Weeks

30 Weeks

40 Weeks with Kinsley

40 Weeks (with my sidekick)
I think the 20's are my favorite weeks. I was big enough that it was obvious I was pregnant but not so big that it wasn't cute anymore. 
The next post will be a "baby" post! This really has gone way too fast. 

How far along: 40 weeks (and 2 days now)
Total weight gain/loss: I gained just over a pound last week making my grand total 42.8 lbs.
Maternity clothes?: Yes. I ripped my favorite jeans this week. I am now down to one pair of jeans. :(
Stretch marks?: Nothing
Sleep:  Still waking up early in the morning.
Best moment this week: Scheduling the induction and knowing that this baby will be here no later than Monday!
Movement: She moves the most in the evenings and especially while I'm at work
Food cravings: I have been wanting Thai for a couple weeks. JanMarie was kind enough to go with me on Thursday. It was so good!
Gender: Girl! I'm going to guess she weighs 7lbs 8oz and is 21 inches long.
What I miss: Being able to sit on the floor and actually get up. I also miss my lap. 
Milestones: I made it to my due date. Yay! (a little sarcasm if you couldn't tell)

From BabyCenter:

It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (about the size of a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. Her skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

38-39 Weeks

38 weeks (and 5 days 11/4)

We are officially down to single digit days until we meet this little girl. Quite a bit has been accomplished in the the past couple of weeks. I am definitely in nesting mode and have been cleaning/organizing like crazy. I have just a few more things I need to get for her room like a curtain for her closet, a lamp and a changing pad cover. My mom and I went this week to get the fabric for the bed skirt and curtains above the window. I also ordered the decal that will go on her wall. Now, I just have to get the rest of the house ready.
I have had two weekly appointments, both went well. I actually lost weight last week! Only a half pound but I will take it. At my last appointment they checked my cervix again. No real change from the first time they checked me but she did try to stir things up a little.  So far it hasn't worked. As I was leaving Kim noticed that I have dropped a little since the week before, which I am definitely feeling. She told me "Make an appointment for next week...we'll see if you make it that long". AHHHH. I am trying not to get my hopes up and preparing myself to go overdue like I did with Kinsley, but it was a nice reminder that the end is so close.
In these last couple of weeks we have tried to have a lot of family time with Kinsley. Just before Halloween we had our families over for S'mores. Kinsley loved roasting the "marsh-uh-mallows". She ate at least 5 and was asking for more!
roasting marshmallows

On Halloween I had a prenatal massage and a pedicure while Kinsley was at preschool then we spent the day visiting each grandma and grandpa at work and went to a trunk or treat in the evening.
Princes Sofia

Even the baby got to wear a costume
This week we had a family date night. Chris took us to Kiku's (he really DOES love us! He doesn't care for Chinese food or anything similar). I thought Kinsley would love seeing them cook the food in front of us especially with all the tricks they do. It turns out, she was scared of the fire and thought the tricks were too loud.  We made it through dinner with her on my lap for most of it.
Date night! My face is definitely getting round.

Last night Kinsley had a sibling class. She loved holding the baby and making her a birthday card. We took a tour of the Birthplace (OB floor) and even got to see a real baby in the nursery. It will be interesting to see how well she does in the little room when the baby actually comes.
She is going to be such a good big sister...hopefully

Oh, did I forget to mention we decided on a name!? This is the picture and the only clue we sent to our family. They had to figure it out from there. Any guesses? We are still working on a middle name.

Baby I's name starts with a "C"

The next blog post will either be Baby I's birth story or her eviction notice. We'll see!
Any guesses on date, time, weight and length?

How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 41 pounds. Definitely more than I was hoping for but what can you do.
Maternity clothes?: Yes. My belly is starting to hang out the bottom of most of them.
Stretch marks?: None yet.
Sleep:  Oh my. The past few days have been terrible. I get up once in the night to go to the bathroom and then can't go back to sleep. Most days I have been getting out of bed for the day around 6. I guess my body is trying to prepare me for sleep deprivation, as if it's not used to that already working nights.
Best moment this week: Time with family. I am trying to cherish these last few days as a family of three
Movement: I can tell she has gotten lower.
Food cravings: I have eaten so much Halloween candy this week it's ridiculous.
Gender: Girl!
What I miss: Being able to walk normal. The waddle is not very attractive. 
Milestones: Single digits!

From BabyCenter:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, about the size of a mini-watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

36-37 Weeks

36 Weeks (1 day shy of. 10/15)

37 weeks (and 2 days 10/25)
How does time go by so fast!? Part of me would like for the next 3 weeks to hurry up and get here. I am so excited to see this little girl (still nameless). I can't wait to see what she looks like, and see her personality develop. I am also ready for my old body back. This one is getting harder and harder to move around. I can't roll over in bed or jump up out of bed like I used to and I have a hard time fitting into any kind of smaller space. On the other hand, I would really like for the next 3 weeks to drag out and take their time. I love feeling her little movements and being able to eat basically whatever I want. Also, I am not quite ready to get up every few hours in the middle of the night and I'm a little worried about how Kinsley will behave. She has been a hot mess lately, I don't know if I can handle a hot mess and a newborn on little to no sleep. Maybe Chris and Kinsley should move out for the first month, that might be better for everyone!
We have gotten quite a bit accomplished over the past few weeks, but I feel like there is still so much to do. I have come to realize it just may not all get done before she gets here and that is ok I guess. The walls are painted, the crib is up, we have a dresser, a chair, and a table. We ended up getting the same dresser and crib set as Kinsley's. I stole the chair and table from Kinsley's room. The chair is quite big for the room but it will work. Kinsley was sad that I was taking all of these things from her room and putting them in the baby's room so we went shopping and she got to pick out a rug and bookshelf for her new "big girl" room. Whatever I have to say to make that girl happy.

 I tried to get her to pick a different rug but she wanted this one. It is really soft, she has been spending a lot of time on it reading her books.
Sunday (10/19) my friends threw me a little shower. It was great! I got a lot of necessities including the mattress, sheets, changing pad, and diapers.  I also got some cute clothes and other things to put in her room. I did a terrible job of taking pictures. We had it in a party room at the Blue Moose. The girls had it nicely decorated and Emily made her famous flourless chocolate cake. Yum!

Kinsley and I were twins  :)

So I am down to weekly appointments now. I had an appointment just before 36 weeks. They did my checked me for Group B Strep and checked my cervix (sorry if you didn't want to know that). I'm already 1cm dilated! That is pretty exciting considering I was barely 1cm when I went into the hospital with Kinsley. Really it means nothing but I'll take it. At my 37 week appointment I had to get another Tdap shot in my arm. The recommendation now is that you get one with every pregnancy which I think is silly but whatever, I'll be compliant. They also told me my GBS came back positive which is a big bummer. That really doesn't mean much either except now I have to be sure I'm at the hospital at least 4 hours before I deliver to get antibiotics and I will have to stay for 48 hours. Neither should be a problem, it is just less control I have. Overall everything is going good. Just a few more appointments! I haven't hit the "I'm done, get this thing out of me" stage yet. I am nearing it, but haven't quite hit it.

Right now Kinsley is in Colorado with my mom and JanMarie visiting Jessica, Chad and Audg. I was nervous about her going because she does NOT do well in the car and that is a long drive. Supposedly she is doing fine and enjoying her time with her cousin (or so they tell me). Chris and I decided to take advantage of the kid-free weekend and have a date night. 
Last date for a while :(  10/25
We went to Paisano's for dinner and then came home to watch the Royals get killed in the 4th World Series game. It has been nice to have my house stay clean all weekend and get a few more things checked off the to-do list.

How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 39.8 pounds total. I gained 46 pounds with Kinsley. As long as I don't go over that I'll be good.
Maternity clothes?: Yup. Started wearing Chris's shorts around the house. They are comfy and I am hot!
Stretch marks?: Nope
Sleep:  It's about to get a whole lot worse!
Best moment this week: My baby shower and feeling a little more ready for this little girl to arrive
Movement: You can tell she is running out of room in there. Her movements are more like nudges and pushes.
Food cravings: I can't think of any. That is surprising! My stomach is running out of room too. I can't eat much and half the things I do eat have given me heartburn (never had that with Kinsley).
Gender: Girl! If it's not he'll have to wear girl clothes and sleep in a girl's room for a while.
What I miss: My memory. It is seriously so frustrating. I lose everything! My phone, keys, credit card. I haven't lost Kinsley yet, I guess that's good.
Milestones: 37 weeks! Full term

From BabyCenter:
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

34 Weeks

34 weeks (10/2)
So, ummm, I'm going to have a baby next month. I only have 6 weeks left, that's only 42 days. YIKES! I heard rumor that there are bets on if I will even make it to Halloween. Unfortunately, I think I have a better chance of making it to Thanksgiving than only making it to Halloween. A lot has happened in the past month. I was actually going to do a 32 week post but I was too busy to even get a decent picture.
First, I have had two Dr's visits in the past month. Both were great and pretty uneventful. The weight gain is going great. The first 2 week appointment I only gained 0.2 pounds. That's right, not 2 pounds 0.2! So pretty much nothing. The second 2 week appointment I gained 3 pounds which is really about average for this point in the pregnancy. I have one more 2 week appointment and then I start going weekly.
JanMarie got married on September 20th. It was a crazy busy week but so much fun having all of our family here together. Kinsley and Audrey were flower girls and probably the cutest flower girls I have ever seen. They loved hanging out with each other all weekend.
Kinsley and Audrey- pretty little flower girls!

We have also been busy getting the baby's room together. I have almost all of our stuff out of the room, we bought a crib and paint for the walls, and we got the walls primered. Now all we have to do is paint, set the bed up, find a dresser, find a chair and a small table, make curtains, a bed skirt and a lamp shade, put some decorations up, and wash and put away her clothes. We can get that all done in 6 weeks right? Sure (deep breaths, deep breaths).
Kinsley helping prime the baby's room. Chris's mom and sister helped too. 

I decided this last month and a half to do something fun with Kinsley at least once a week. So far we have gone to the Zoo, Cider Days, Deanna Rose Farmstead and Fritz's. I am trying to really enjoy these last weeks with just her. She has been extra cuddly and mostly wants me lately. I think she can tell things are going to be changing real soon. 
At Fritz's
I love when I get a real smile and not a "cheeeeeese" smile
I started a "Big Sister" bag for Kinsley. The idea is to put fun/special things in there for just her and things that will keep her occupied while at the hospital. So far all I have is a Princess Sofia cup that she picked out. I plan on adding coloring books, stickers, fun snacks, and maybe a book. I am open for more ideas if anyone has any!
I got crafty one night.
I will also take any name suggestions! Chris and I have a couple of ideas but haven't made a final decision yet. 
Last thing, for those of you who think I look bigger this time... I am. I really thought I was about the same. To prove that I wasn't bigger I wore the same shirt I did at 34 weeks with Kinsley...

34 weeks with Kinsley
34 weeks baby #2

How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 pounds total.
Maternity clothes?: Yes. Starting to run out of options there too.
Stretch marks?: Nothing yet
Sleep:  Ugh. I have been getting up about once a night to go to the bathroom. Also, every time I roll over I feel like I'm going to pull a muscle. AND I have been getting leg cramps.
Best moment this week: Spending time with family, making some headway on the bedroom, only gaining 0.2 pounds (even if I gain 3 the next 2 weeks)
Movement: Tons! Some of her kicks are a little painful. She has had hiccups almost every day.
Food cravings: I have made pumpkin bread twice this last week. I always crave pumpkin this time of year.
Gender: Girl! Although my dad had a dream that we had a boy and named him Marvin Wayne Ireland.
What I miss: Bending over. It is nearly impossible right now.
Milestones: 34 weeks! If the baby was born right now she would most likely be just fine with very little assistance if any.

From BabyCenter:

How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies

Thursday, September 4, 2014

30 Weeks

30 weeks (9/4)
Ok, I am starting to panic just a little. I am officially 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy! I wanted to do some comparison photos so I was looking through the blog from when I was pregnant with Kinsley and that is when the panic started to kick in. By 28 weeks we already had the room painted and furniture in it's place. I would show you a picture of the baby's room right now but it is pretty terrible. The good news is we didn't have Kinsley's name picked out until 34 weeks so we still have some time. Chris finally got the shelves put up in the closet. It looks really nice! Now i have to organize everything so that it will fit in the closet and still leave plenty of room for baby things.
Here is a comparison from last pregnancy to this pregnancy:

30 weeks with Kinsley
30 weeks with Baby #2       
Also, while looking through the blog, I notice how much I used to wear my hair straight. No time for that now! 

Here are some comparisons from each quarter of this pregnancy:
9 weeks

20 weeks

30 weeks
My last appointment (9/2) was pretty uneventful. Baby sounded great and best of all I only gained 2 more pounds! Now if I can just stay on that track rather than the '3 pounds a week' track I will be doing ok.
Friday (8/29) Kinsley had her first day of preschool. She was so excited to be there and didn't want to leave. I asked her teacher how she did and her response was "She has a lot of energy, she was kind of all over the place". Hmmm, not the best answer but I guess it could be worse. I didn't realize how nice it was going to be to have 2 1/2 hours to myself one day a week. 

How far along: 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Only two pounds in the past two weeks! 32 total.
Maternity clothes?: Yup. I can still wear some of my old dresses and sometimes they look better than my maternity dresses.
Stretch marks?: I was sure I would see some after that rapid weight gain last month but still none that I can see.
Sleep:  I haven't been sleeping well during the day. Thankfully my new job doesn't require as much brain power.
Best moment this week: Sending Kinsley to preschool. We both loved it!
Movement: Yup. Kinsley likes to feel her baby sister move. She puts her hand on my tummy and says "is she jumpin?" Too cute how much she loves her already.
Food cravings: I cut out most sweets the past two weeks due to the 12 pound weight gain. Since I only gained 2 pounds in two weeks I decided it would be ok to have a little ice cream. Bad idea! Now all I want is ice cream! and maybe some brownies to go with it.
Gender: Girl!
What I miss: Walking without discomfort. Starting to get more uncomfortable.
Milestones: 3/4 of the way done

From BabyCenter:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 pounds (about the size of a large cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will shrink as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

28 weeks

28 weeks (and 3 days 8/24)

(pretend I wrote this August 25th or so)
Well hello third trimester. It is so nice to see you! I can't believe I am 2/3 of the way done! Actually, the past month or so have seemed to really drag. I have a feeling this last trimester is going to fly by. Especially since I am no where near ready for this little girl, poor thing doesn't even have a name!

So, good news and bad news about my last appointment. Good news is I passed my glucose test, all my other labs looked good, and the baby sounded great. Bad news is my blood type didn't magically change overnight so I had to get a Rhogam shot (ouch). And the worst news... I gained 12 pounds. No, not total. In one month! That is 3 pounds a week!!! I think I am going to go cry now. Kim didn't seem too worried about it. She just said quit eating anything that has no nutritional value. *big sigh* But that is the good stuff! My excuse is I have had a cold for the past couple of weeks and haven't felt like doing any kind of exercising. I know, it's still ridiculous. I have two weeks between appointments (9/2), my goal is to not gain much before then.
Mmmm Tasty!

Worst fortune ever! I obviously don't have a problem with my appetite!
Here is a fun little game I like to call "you know you're getting big when":
The other day I went to the grocery store to grab a few things. I wasn't feeling very good that day so I was moving pretty slow. I get home and Chris tells me he got a text from a previous co-worker who saw me at the store. I must have looked how I felt because he told Chris I shouldn't be going anywhere by myself, I looked like I was ready to have a baby at any second. I made sure Chris told him I had 12 more weeks! I thought it was pretty funny.

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12 POUNDS!!.  Really it was only 11.4 pounds but at that point you might as well round up. 30 total! Maybe I won't gain much over the next 12 weeks!
Maternity clothes?: Yup.
Stretch marks?: None yet
Sleep:  It could always be better but it's not terrible.
Best moment this week: Spending time at the pool on these hot days
Movement: All the time!
Food cravings: I obviously love sweets!
Gender: Girl!
What I miss: Cooler weather. Not only has it been 90's nearly every day I also have some cute cooler weather maternity clothes that I want to wear.
Milestones: Third trimester!

From BabyCenter:
By this week, your baby weighs 2 1/4 pounds (about the size of a large eggplant) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels.
She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.