Sunday, December 6, 2015

12 Months!

12 months! I refuse to say she is "one year old"

Oh this girl. Can you see her saying "Deeeeese" in the picture above. Love it! I was so busy getting ready for Callie's party I completely forgot to take her "sticker pic". So she was a few days past one when I finally got this picture taken. It seems like the closer to one.... I mean 12 months old... she got the more "words" she was saying and the more conversations we had. I love having big girl conversations with her.
Callie's birthday party went so well! Thank you all who came to help us celebrate! I had a great time and I think everyone else did too.
I love how the cake and cake stand turned out. I was pretty proud of myself.
Callie barely ate any of it.

The drink and cake table

Callie's highchair

The mantel with Callie's monthly pictures
Loved Callie's outfit!
Sneak peek of Callie's one year pictures.
She wore that same skirt (my mom made it) to her birthday party.
The Friday before Callie's birthday we went out to the Kansas History Museum and had Callie's one year and some family pictures taken. It was a beautiful day! We got really lucky because the weather started getting much colder after that. Trying to get two girls to smile and look and the camera was exhausting! Hopefully we got a couple good ones.
Selfie while taking family pics
The last of Callie's first holidays...Halloween!  Callie was a cute little bumble bee and Kinsley was a lady bug. I felt a little guilty for not making their costumes this year but what can you do. They both looked adorable and it probably cost me less than it would to make it. Callie figured out this Trick-Or-Treat thing real quick. She reached her hand in the bucket, selectively grabbed her piece (or pieces) of candy and put them in her bag. Then she went for more.

Callie's first Halloween

My little bumble bee and lady bug

The top is Kinsley at about 16 months and the bottom is Callie at almost one year.
Well this year has gone by entirely too fast and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon. Some days I miss my little baby that just snuggled up with me and slept. But, I definitely don't miss the sleepless nights. I love watching Callie's personality develop and seeing her interact with other people. There have been a few "sister moments" recently that I just stood back and watched them play together. It doesn't last long so I have to enjoy it while it lasts. Callie is very loving (especially to her PopPop) and has the best belly laugh. I can't wait to see how much more she changes!

6 months
Age: 12 months
Weight/percentile: 18lbs 10oz/ 13th percentile (she gained 2lbs 6oz in 3 months!)
Height/percentile: 28.5 inches/ 31st percentile (only grew 1/2 inch in 3 months...)
Eye color: Mostly blue
Hair color: Light brown and getting longer and darker.
Diaper size: Size 3
Clothing size:  9 month fits perfect. 12 month fits pretty good but can be too big sometimes
Shoe size: Still wearing an 3 but they are getting snugger
Favorite food: Callie is so picky. She is definitely my meat eater. She will eat steak so fast! Since she is one she has gotten to try a few sweets which she is loving.
Favorite activity: Going down the slide with Kinsley, bath time, going to BSF (bible study)
Movement:  Callie has taken several steps but that is as far as we get. I really thought she'd be walking by now but I guess she thinks crawling is more fun.
Sounds/talking: I love the "conversations" we have.
Sleep: We had a couple rough nights this month but over all I can't complain. I am so thankful for girls who like to sleep like their mommy.

Here are pictures of Callie's party and her One year pics.
So excited to be one!

Family <3

Big sister helping Callie out with the candle

Yum! Icing!

Crafting in the garage

So sweet


Saturday, October 31, 2015

11 Months!

11 months! 

Look at those ornery eyes. She did not want to keep that sticker on! Life is just flying by. I can hardly keep up! Callie is growing so fast and hitting more and more milestones. A couple of weeks ago I switched out summer clothes for winter clothes. It was a little bitter sweet. It was so fun pulling out all the old clothes Kinsley used to wear, but when I thought about Kinsley wearing these clothes I remembered her being much older and there was no way Callie was that old yet. She is still a baby. Right!?  With all the new clothes going into Callie's closet I was forced to put away the 3-6 month clothes. I pouted about how little they were and how they used to fit my little baby. *sigh* I guess it's time to accept that I have a big girl on my hands now.

Although I wish Callie could stay little forever, I do love seeing her grow everyday. Callie has started eating more meat like chicken and she loves eggs. She is also getting pickier. She won't eat anything with texture and she really doesn't like carrots. Silly girl!

Callie is getting better at using her walker and has even mastered going up the stairs (not with the walker just to clarify).  She is quick too! She LOVES to stand at the dishwasher and hand me the silverware. After each item she hands me she says "thank you" or something that sounds a lot like "thank you".  At the beginning of the month she started say "Uh-oh". That one was very clear. It is so fun to hear her vocabulary develop. Sometimes I feel like we are having a real conversation!
Using the walker.
 Kinsley is such a good cheerleader for her.
Callie has never really been attached to her wubble (binky) but she always had it for car rides and sleeping. For several weeks I would give it to her and she just threw it, especially in the car. Well one morning it was gone. I looked everywhere for it. It just disappeared! She didn't seem to miss it so I quit looking for it. I was changing her bed a week or so ago and found it under the bed. I'm really not sure how it got there but I couldn't reach it so I just left it. :)

Callie and I are enjoying our mornings together. A couple mornings a week we just hang out at home or run a few errands, one morning we go to story time at the library, one morning we go to bible study and one morning Callie's friend Callahan comes to play. It is so fun watching them play together. I like to sit back and try to figure out what they are thinking and saying to each other.
Silly mornings with Mommy

Picnic lunch with Callahan

Halloween is the only major holiday left that Callie hasn't gotten to experience so we had to make sure to celebrate right. We went to two different pumpkin patches, took a hayride, picked a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, had apple cider slushes and S'mores.... well I had the apple cider slush and S'mores for her. Sorry Callie, maybe next year.


Callie's first pumpkin
Love her blue eyes!
 I'm warning you now, my next post will be late (or may never happen because I am still in denial that this girl is going to be one!) and long!

Age: 11 months
Weight/percentile: Still only 17 lbs according to our scale at home
Eye color: Blue but sometimes they are a little more green
Hair color: Light brown and getting longer
Diaper size: I just switched her over to size 3 diapers. More for the absorbency than the fit
Clothing size:  Most of her warmer clothes are 12 month or even 18 month so we rock 'em with the sleeves rolled a little. The first time I put long sleeves on her she just kept looking at them "what is this on my arm!?" So funny
Shoe size: She is wearing mostly size 3 but again a lot of the boots she has are size 4 so I put a thicker pair of socks on her and let her go. When I was packing up all the smaller clothes, I put away the smaller shoes too. There were several pair in there I was sad she never wore.
Favorite food: Callie loves eggs and green beans. I have also noticed she will eat things much better out of a pouch than from a spoon. And if it has any kind of texture to it she spits it right back out.
Favorite activity: Playing with friends and Kinsley, playing with her picnic set, swinging (best investment ever!), pulling things out of a box.
Movement:  Using walker, climbing stairs, cruising around furniture. She might be walking before she is one!
Sounds/talking: She is talking more and more. Actual words like "thank you" and "uh-oh"
Sleep: Callie is still having stretches where she wakes up in the night. She also has been skipping her morning naps lately. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

10 Months!

10 months already!

Double digits!? How can this be? This poor girl isn't going to get a One Year birthday because I refuse to plan it!
Once again, we have had another busy month with new milestones met! Some day our life will slow down right?
The biggest event last month was my parent's 40th wedding anniversary party. My sisters and I managed to pull off a surprise anniversary party for my parents at my house. Tons of family and friends came from all over to help us celebrate. It was really awesome! Although, 80 some people in my house was a little cramped. Callie actually showed me some attitude that day. I was so busy greeting people and making sure the food and drinks were stocked. She had to wait a little longer than she wanted to eat and let me know she wasn't happy about it! Uhhh, that wasn't a pretty look into my future...
So much fun celebrating 40 years with them!

Callie has met some major milestones this month. She started saying "adadadadada" and "mamamamama". She is also repeating the tone of our voice, especially when we say "I Love You!" or "Bye, Bye". She is pulling up on everything and will even let go and stand for a second or two. She also has her two, bottom, front teeth. So now she can enjoy more food!
Pulling up on the bathtub and so proud of herself

Teeth!!! You can barely see them.

Sister sharing some puffs. 
Spent the morning at Mommy's work. Had to take a few calls. 

I'm not sure if Callie is eating too fast or maybe isn't quite ready for bigger hunks of food but she got sick two Friday's in a row this month. Poor girl! It's never fun having a little one sick but I sure do love the extra cuddles.

Callie and I have been spending our mornings playing at home and going to the library for Story time. She loves being in a class with 10 other kids right around her same age. We are working on sitting still long enough to read a short book.
Well, I guess if anyone has any birthday party ideas you should send them my way....   :(

Age: 10 months
Weight/percentile: I am trying to fatten her up a little.
Eye color: Beautiful blue
Hair color: Light brown/ dark blonde.
Diaper size: Size 2
Clothing size:  Mostly 9 month but we have a lot of 12 month clothes so she wears those too.
Shoe size: The weather has been cooler the past week or two so I found some shoes that fit her. One pair is a size 2 and one is a size 3
Favorite food: Callie loves puffs and fruit. She doesn't like meat as much so far.
Favorite activity: Taking walks in her car stroller, touching things she shouldn't touch (outlets, fans, etc.)
Movement:  Callie is a pro crawler! She is getting more steady standing too.
Sounds/talking: She never stops talking! She's started repeating our tone. I love to say "I love you!" to her and hear repeat the sounds I've made. It makes me feel like she understands what I'm saying to her.
Sleep: Generally Callie sleeps really well and through the night. We had several days where she was waking up at midnight and 6am. Growth spurt?

Monday, August 24, 2015

9 months

I learned my lesson...don't wait until bedtime to take a picture!

Much better!

I feel like Callie has grown so much this past month. We have hit some major milestones like crawling and eating everything (and I do mean everything). We have also had some fun this month with a trip to Colorado, a trip to Kansas City, and a few mornings with just Mommy while Kinsley was at preschool.

It worked out that my mom and JanMarie were both off for a few days before school started so we took an impromptu trip to Colorado! Why not? The girls were awesome on the drive. There was a little fussing and not much sleeping but really it could have been worse. We saw the Minion movie one day, went swimming one day and spent some time at the park. The weather was great and we had a good time as always.

Driving Daddy's truck!

At the park with Audge

Climbing at the park
So much cousin love right there!
Duck lips with Audge

I promised Kinsley I would take her to "the train restaurant" (Fritz's) again before school started. The Tuesday before school started we took a trip to KC to Crown Center. We went to the aquarium, checked out the Hallmark visitors center and crayola store and of course ate at Fritz's. The girls both loved the aquarium and walking around Crown Center.

I love the bright colored seahorses! 
The jellyfish were so cool to watch

Terribly blurry picture...the sign is cute!
Evening bike ride after our day in KC
Please notice Callie's whale romper and Kinsley's ocean shirt.
Perfect for the aquarium!

Kinsley started school on Thursday 8/13. Callie is loving the few hours of Mommy time every morning. It seems like she even talks more when Kinsley isn't around. Imagine that. It really has been nice to have some one on one time with her. I just have to remember to use that time to play with her and do fun stuff with her rather than just running errands or cleaning the house.

She got to take a bath all by herself!

Sitting shotgun in the cart

Trying to stab the strawberry with the fork

One day Callie decided she was going to crawl....she hasn't slowed down since. I remember when Kinsley started crawling she did the "army crawl" for a while then progressed to full on crawling. Not Callie, she just went for it. My days of sitting her in a room to play are over.

this video quality is terrible!

Age: 9 months
Weight/percentile: Callie has a Dr. appointment next week. I will update then
Eye color: Still dark blue with green in certain light
Hair color: Light brown. It seems like it's getting lighter
Diaper size: Size 2.
Clothing size: I pulled out some of Kinsley's old summer clothes which are 12 month and they fit pretty good. :(  She is getting too big!
Shoe size: Yeah, no shoes
Favorite food: Like I mentioned above, Callie is eating everything! I am amazed at the progress we have made in this area again. She eats pretty much any fruit or vegetable. Some is pureed, some is just cut up. She is getting good at picking up pieces of food and feeding herself. We are still working on using a sippy cup. As far as everything else goes, Callie loves to put everything in her mouth and then screams when I take it out. Sorry sweet girl, you can't pull wallpaper off the wall and eat it!
Favorite activity: Playing with the toy picnic set, attacking Kinsley especially right before bed.
Movement:  Callie is crawling! She has been working on it for several weeks but she finally got brave enough to move her legs on 8/11 and has taken off. There is no stopping her now! She is trying to pull on things too! Ok Callie, seriously, one thing at a time!
Sounds/talking: We have babbling! The other day I asked Kinsley how her day was and Callie had to chime in and tell me about her day too.
Sleep: Callie has been sleeping pretty good. She still gets up in the middle of the night once in a while. She usually sleeps from about 830pm until 830am.