Saturday, March 3, 2012

I need help!

I am trying to decide what to do with the nursery and Chris is no help.  I found fabric at JoAnn's that I am going to use to make a crib skirt.  Then I found a couple of decals from etsy that I love and now I can't decide which one I like better. The problem is I like parts of each of them.
Fabric for crib skirt.
Option #1

Option #2
The colors can be changed on both of these (which creates my next problem). The crib and dresser are dark brown. On #1 I like the leaf shape and the fact that the leaves can be a different color from the tree. I also like the birds and tree houses better. I don't like the shape of the tree as much. Oh and the name is cute but I can add that to #2.  On #2 I like the shape of the tree better. I'm not crazy about the shelves but wouldn't have to use them. I don't like the squirrels but again I wouldn't have to use them. I also don't think the birds match the fabric as much.
So help me out! Which decal do you like better and what do you think for a paint color?


  1. So cute! Either will be adorable but I think I like the first better. I like the shelves and think that some day you will like to have them- however if it is going to be next to the crib, thus making the shelves above the crib then I would scrach that idea for fear of something falling on your precious babe when she is shaking the crib with all her might. I don't care for the squirrel either. Have fun!!

  2. I think I like the second decal better. I think the first one looks maybe a little too full? But I think either choice would end up looking just fine :).

    Paint color for the room? I would suggest either that citrus greenish color, or is that kind of a coral in the fabric too? Maybe a light coral would be pretty. Personally I would stay away from pink, but that is just me. :)

    I love the decal in this nursery, so using the blue in a bright shade could work too.

  3. Hey girl! LOVE the theme!! Both decals are equally cute... but I think if I were doing deciding it for myself I would pick the second choice. I like the idea of the shelves. I think that it would allow for pops of color to display on them... it could be stacked books, picture frames, etc. The tree in that one lends it self to lasting a little bit longer for the kiddo too. I think it is a little more vast on age appropriateness.

    check out this link on color

    I think either green on the leaves of your fabric would be awesome color choices for the wall!

    But all that matters is what YOU, my dear, love for your sweet little one. You have really good taste so I am SURE it will turn out FABULOUS!!
