Sunday, June 15, 2014

13 Weeks

13 weeks (5/8)
It is pretty much impossible to hide that belly anymore! On Easter I got a lot of comments on my the shirt I was wearing but I could tell they were trying to figure out if there was a belly under there.  I had my first appointment with Kim just after Easter (4/23 10w 6d). The only thing better than seeing that little pixel flicker on an ultrasound is hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler! It was a strong 140 bpm. When Kinsley heard the heartbeat she said "choo choo train!" At my appointment Kim said she wanted to check another sono in a couple of weeks to check on size. I didn't think much of it at first but then I thought back to when I was pregnant with Kinsley and I didn't remember have a 12 week ultrasound. So then of course I got a little worried about it.  Did my uterus not feel like an almost 11 week uterus? I went for the second ultrasound on 5/6 and everything looked great! I'm sure it was all routine and I was worried about nothing.
It actually looks like a baby!
5/6 12w5d

Sunday May 11th (13w3d) was Mother's Day. With two good sonos and one good appointment out of the way I figured it was time to tell the extended family. I sent most of my aunts a text that said "Happy Mother's day to you from this soon to be mother of two". Of course they were all excited
I've noticed a few things are different with this second pregnancy. First, the time is flying by! Second, I'm not as eager to tell people I'm pregnant. I have the attitude 'if they ask, I'll tell them'.  Third, I don't think I have that "pregnancy glow".  It's more of an "exhausted mom of an almost two year old dullness". The point is, people have been finding out slowly but surely.

How far along: 13 weeks-last week of the 1st trimester!
Total weight gain/loss: Only 1 pound! (At my almost 11 week appointment)
Maternity clothes?: I am in that awkward 'my big jeans don't fit but my maternity pants are too big' stage. Even though they are too big, the maternity pants are way more comfortable!
Stretch marks?: nope
Sleep: I'm thinking it's about time to break out the body pillow!
Best moment this week: Telling more and more people, movement!
Movement: Yes! I have felt movement for a couple of weeks off and on. Sometimes I feel like I'm just imagining it but I'm almost certain that little shrimp is swimming in there.
Food cravings: Tacos, taco salad, chips and queso, Mexican. I might have had it 4 times in one week. 
Gender:  Still thinking girl. (the italics are back!)
What I miss: Caffeine, energy, laying on my stomach.
Milestones: First trimester almost done!

From BabyCenter:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (about the size of a pea pod) and weighs nearly an ounce.
See what your baby looks like this week.

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