Saturday, June 14, 2014

Round 2

There is no doubt that is positive!

Well, I wasn't expecting to be back quite so soon! I didn't quite have "the itch" yet but Chris and I decided if we wanted our kids to be 2-3 years apart we'd better start thinking about having another one. The first of the year I ran out of my birth control and didn't have anymore refills so I figured it was as good of time as any to just quit taking it.  I had it all planned out, I would get pregnant in May, June or July and have a baby in February, March or April. Kinsley would be a good 2 1/2 years old but not quite 3. Chris and I had a Line-X conference in San Antonio the middle of March. I told him I didn't really want to be pregnant while we were there, and that is when my plan fell apart. The last week of February Chris and I got a nasty stomach bug. It was not fun at all. That weekend I still felt yucky and had to be careful with what I ate and how much. Monday, after my morning workout, I got really nauseous. I thought it was from my illness the week before but was starting to question it a little. I had had other symptoms like increased smell, swelling in my hands, and getting teary-eyed over a silly show. I even commented on my symptoms but eventually passed them off as nothing or reading into it too much. So, Tuesday morning (the day my friend was scheduled to arrive) I got up to go to the gym and no signs of my dear friend. I thought it was probably just early in the day but since I needed to start medication right away I thought I had better double check. Of course I did not have any pregnancy tests at home. So what do I do? I head to Walmart, then the gym, then back home, eat breakfast with Kinsley and wait until Chris leaves before peeing and taking a test. I obviously did not have enough to drink the day before! Before Chris left for work he made a comment about my dear friend not showing her lovely face yet. He was quite concerned since we were going to San Antonio the next week. I assured him she was supposed to come that day but I did buy a pregnancy test just to check. So I took the test and within a minute I can see a faint line. I kept saying "no way! no way!" and then Kinsley started repeating me. I called Chris and of course he doesn't answer! I finally got a hold of him and say "It's totally positive". He couldn't believe it either. The more I looked at it the darker the line got. The whirlwind of emotions started- excitement, disbelief, anxiety all while trying not to get my hopes up too much.

I called the Dr.'s office immediately. They wanted to check labs to confirm pregnancy but did not need to check my progesterone level. She said if I wanted to recheck it in 48 hours I could but they would call me Wednesday to ask all kinds of questions and order more labs. Since I was already on the progesterone with Kinsley they just started me on it again. Chris didn't remember giving me my medication every morning for 2 months with Kinsley. I quickly reminded him and told him that he could do that job again! :) Kinsley and I went to have my blood drawn Tuesday just before lunch. She was so patient and waited very nicely for me to get done. Wednesday afternoon the Dr.'s office called me back and said that the lab to confirm pregnancy was only 86. They wanted repeat it in 48 hours to make sure it was doubling and no other labs or questions would be done until we knew everything was ok. When she said that my heart sank a little, even though this is the exact position I was with Kinsley and I knew it was coming, it was discouraging. 
Thursday was my birthday. Kinsley took me shopping in the morning, JanMarie took us to sushi for lunch, Kinsley sent me for a pedicure in the afternoon while she napped at Nana's (Chris's mom), and Chris took us to Paisano's for dinner. It was a great day! While I was out for my pedicure I snuck in a trip to the lab. For some reason I was really nervous about the results, I didn't "feel" pregnant. Even though I wasn't expecting to be pregnant so soon and it wasn't how I had planned it and it came as a complete shock I was already excited and attached to this poppy seed growing inside of me. I didn't want to lose it and start over! I was ok with and excited for a fall baby instead of a spring baby. I tried to be so pt waiting for the results but I couldn't take it anymore, I had to know what they were that day! I called the office and the secretary tells me the results are in but she will have to have Kim's (my midwife) nurse call me back who was not the same nurse I originally talked to. She called me back and told me they weren't in and Kim wasn't in the office so they would have to call me on Friday. I felt like they were lying to me about the results not being in and something must be wrong if they are wanting Kim to call me with the results. Friday came and still no call. I tried to take a nap but I dreamt about not getting the results and having to wait until Monday. I finally called them and they said they had gone up to 280! Woohoo! It more than doubled! No more labs for now.

Birthday dinner
Oh my little yellow friend...

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